*Kasih sayang dari sekecil dua jari Ibu*
Alhamdulillah, it has been 27 days my status changed to another level, becoming a Mommy / Ibu to my lovely daughter, Khayra Binti Hazri who was born on 01.07.2009. I don’t feel like sharing every single moments during my labor as my beloved Husband has wrote everything here, so what I am gonna share here are simple facts about my pregnancy and labor (as some of my expecting friends always ask on tips) :-
a. Kata orang, sakit period pain tu baru 10% daripada sakit nak bersalin;
b. Kata orang, ‘after labor treatment’ lagi sakit dari time sakit nak bersalin;
c. Kata orang, Suami mainkan peranan penting dalam labor room time Isteri nak bersalin;
1. Yup, I have been gone through all stages as listed a. to c. hereinabove, so what could I say, tu semua betul tapi terpulang atas individu sebab rasa sakit ni lain orang lain la rasanya. Tapi saya percaya setiap apa yang Allah rancangkan itu, ada hikmah disebaliknya as the moment you heard your baby cried, semua kesakitan itu akan hilang serta merta. No need to worry too much on the pains, as for me rasa excited nak 'jumpa' baby mengatasi rasa sakit. Saya kira ini pengalaman terhebat yang pernah saya lalui.
2. Saya bertuah kerana sepanjang berada di wad, labor room and even during the after labor treatment, my Dearest Hubby was there with me. Even suami maybe tak rasa all the pains that we were going through to deliver the baby, but his moral support and/or at least his prayers would minimize all the pains that we were having during the labor.
3. Saya pernah dengar DVD kuliah agama semasa mengandung (Abah pasang dalam Stream time nak pergi family dinner) bahawa seorang isteri adalah lebih elok meminta maaf daripada suaminya sebelum masuk ke bilik bersalin kerana menurut Ustaz tersebut dengan cara itu kesakitan isteri semasa hendak bersalin insyaAllah akan berkurangan. I did that throughout my pregnancy, bila Husband saya di KL (time kami masih PJJ), saya sms Husband saya sebelum tidur, mohon dimaafkan segala salah silap saya dan agar Dia mempermudahkan segala-galanya untuk saya.
4. Pada semua bakal ibu, bacalah doa selusuh, Al-Quran, Yasin dan surah-surah/doa-doa berkaitan dengan pregnancy, solat hajat sebanyak mungkin, they really really help. Dalam labor room ketika saya hendak bersalin memang terpampang doa selusuh and everytime I feel the contractions saya baca doa tersebut, memang membantu. Alhamdulillah!
5. Seorang Aunty saya pernah cakap kat saya yang saya mudah bersalin (fully dilated at 1.30pm, doctor came at 1.45pm and after several pushings, safely delivered at 2.04pm : considered as 'mudah') sebab tak melawan cakap ibu bapa, jadi hormati ibu bapa anda. Macam saya pernah cakap dulu, saya takot kalo tak dengar cakap ibu bapa saya sebab saya rasa mereka ada senses yang kuat, kalo saya ingkar, I will (usually) get the punishment cash on delivery. Ya ampun, saya takot betul.
6. I enjoyed my walking exercise as my prenatal exercise sampai doctor bagi MC 2 hari suruh rest sebab ‘too excessive of walking’. Haha. Mana taknya, naik turun tangga ofis lagi, jalan-jalan ke hulur ke hilir, jalan-jalan petang with the Husband at the recreational park etc. sampai jadi excessive. Heh.
7. Owh, tahu kah anda? Seawal 8 minggu mengetahui saya adalah pregnant, saya telah restricted myself from wearing high heels and you know the reason as well.
8. Berpantang? I hope these 44 days to end as soonest as possible (sebab macam-macam rasa nak makan semua benda tanpa pantang and all, hehe).
9. All in all what could I say here is that, to have the opportunity to become pregnant (and be treated as Princess as well, heh) and to have a normal and safe delivery to my Little Sweetheart, Khayra Binti Hazri (Alhamdulillah, syukur!), is the most precious moment I would cherish so far. I thought by having my foot steps in London few years back was the wonderful moment in my life but then compared to this all new experiences, I would say that this experience beats everything in my lists so far.

To my beloved Khayra, Ibu and Abah love you so much!

*Kasih sayang dari sekecil dua jari Ibu*
Alhamdulillah, it has been 27 days my status changed to another level, becoming a Mommy / Ibu to my lovely daughter, Khayra Binti Hazri who was born on 01.07.2009. I don’t feel like sharing every single moments during my labor as my beloved Husband has wrote everything here, so what I am gonna share here are simple facts about my pregnancy and labor (as some of my expecting friends always ask on tips) :-
a. Kata orang, sakit period pain tu baru 10% daripada sakit nak bersalin;
b. Kata orang, ‘after labor treatment’ lagi sakit dari time sakit nak bersalin;
c. Kata orang, Suami mainkan peranan penting dalam labor room time Isteri nak bersalin;
1. Yup, I have been gone through all stages as listed a. to c. hereinabove, so what could I say, tu semua betul tapi terpulang atas individu sebab rasa sakit ni lain orang lain la rasanya. Tapi saya percaya setiap apa yang Allah rancangkan itu, ada hikmah disebaliknya as the moment you heard your baby cried, semua kesakitan itu akan hilang serta merta. No need to worry too much on the pains, as for me rasa excited nak 'jumpa' baby mengatasi rasa sakit. Saya kira ini pengalaman terhebat yang pernah saya lalui.
2. Saya bertuah kerana sepanjang berada di wad, labor room and even during the after labor treatment, my Dearest Hubby was there with me. Even suami maybe tak rasa all the pains that we were going through to deliver the baby, but his moral support and/or at least his prayers would minimize all the pains that we were having during the labor.
3. Saya pernah dengar DVD kuliah agama semasa mengandung (Abah pasang dalam Stream time nak pergi family dinner) bahawa seorang isteri adalah lebih elok meminta maaf daripada suaminya sebelum masuk ke bilik bersalin kerana menurut Ustaz tersebut dengan cara itu kesakitan isteri semasa hendak bersalin insyaAllah akan berkurangan. I did that throughout my pregnancy, bila Husband saya di KL (time kami masih PJJ), saya sms Husband saya sebelum tidur, mohon dimaafkan segala salah silap saya dan agar Dia mempermudahkan segala-galanya untuk saya.
4. Pada semua bakal ibu, bacalah doa selusuh, Al-Quran, Yasin dan surah-surah/doa-doa berkaitan dengan pregnancy, solat hajat sebanyak mungkin, they really really help. Dalam labor room ketika saya hendak bersalin memang terpampang doa selusuh and everytime I feel the contractions saya baca doa tersebut, memang membantu. Alhamdulillah!
5. Seorang Aunty saya pernah cakap kat saya yang saya mudah bersalin (fully dilated at 1.30pm, doctor came at 1.45pm and after several pushings, safely delivered at 2.04pm : considered as 'mudah') sebab tak melawan cakap ibu bapa, jadi hormati ibu bapa anda. Macam saya pernah cakap dulu, saya takot kalo tak dengar cakap ibu bapa saya sebab saya rasa mereka ada senses yang kuat, kalo saya ingkar, I will (usually) get the punishment cash on delivery. Ya ampun, saya takot betul.
6. I enjoyed my walking exercise as my prenatal exercise sampai doctor bagi MC 2 hari suruh rest sebab ‘too excessive of walking’. Haha. Mana taknya, naik turun tangga ofis lagi, jalan-jalan ke hulur ke hilir, jalan-jalan petang with the Husband at the recreational park etc. sampai jadi excessive. Heh.
7. Owh, tahu kah anda? Seawal 8 minggu mengetahui saya adalah pregnant, saya telah restricted myself from wearing high heels and you know the reason as well.
8. Berpantang? I hope these 44 days to end as soonest as possible (sebab macam-macam rasa nak makan semua benda tanpa pantang and all, hehe).
9. All in all what could I say here is that, to have the opportunity to become pregnant (and be treated as Princess as well, heh) and to have a normal and safe delivery to my Little Sweetheart, Khayra Binti Hazri (Alhamdulillah, syukur!), is the most precious moment I would cherish so far. I thought by having my foot steps in London few years back was the wonderful moment in my life but then compared to this all new experiences, I would say that this experience beats everything in my lists so far.

To my beloved Khayra, Ibu and Abah love you so much!