1. Saya amat tidak rajin untuk update laman maya ini (perkataan ‘m@l@s’ dihindarkan di sini, nanti baby dengar, no, no, no. heh).
2. Linda cakap her baby nowadays kicking actively and duduk senget ke sebelah kiri which makes her uncomfortable. Hihi. Mine? Baby behaves and still maintain at the right position dan tidak senget ke sebelah mana-mana. Heh. Jika baby duduk senget sekalipun, baby cepat2 ‘menggeliat’ dan tukar to his/her normal position. Far and Linda assumed these on my baby;
(a) Far : “Baby awak dari dalam perut lagi baik sebab tu dia duduk baik.”
(b) Linda : “Baby ko sopan - sopan macam ko gak kot.”
Heh, rasa happy bila mendengarnya. *smile*
3. It’s coming to my 38 weeks and if this baby really follows my EDD, we will be seeing and welcoming this baby in less than 10 days! *excited*
4. We have already set up the baby cot yesterday and it was fun decorating and made a final touch to it with the Dearie Hubby and my Parents. *enjoyed*
5. I got 2 days of medical leave last week kerana kaki yang bengkak (water retention) and the doctor said : “Baby dah matured, position dah ok and tunggu masa je nk keluar.” We just went like, “Woah, this soon?!” Some of the makcik - makcik said (at least they believe so), “Sesetengah orang, bila kaki dh bengkak, itu tanda tak lama dah baby nk lahir.”
6. I did not have the opportunity to update on my birthday celebration but all in all it was a blast one, surrounded with all people I love the most : my husband, my family, my siblings, my in laws and my Lil niece. My husband even ‘kantoied’ himself with the Big Boss when he went out to buy flowers for me and as usual, I cried when I read birthday card from the beloved Husband. I do not know why, but my Husband always wins my heart through his simple writings. *Love*
1. Saya amat tidak rajin untuk update laman maya ini (perkataan ‘m@l@s’ dihindarkan di sini, nanti baby dengar, no, no, no. heh).
2. Linda cakap her baby nowadays kicking actively and duduk senget ke sebelah kiri which makes her uncomfortable. Hihi. Mine? Baby behaves and still maintain at the right position dan tidak senget ke sebelah mana-mana. Heh. Jika baby duduk senget sekalipun, baby cepat2 ‘menggeliat’ dan tukar to his/her normal position. Far and Linda assumed these on my baby;
(a) Far : “Baby awak dari dalam perut lagi baik sebab tu dia duduk baik.”
(b) Linda : “Baby ko sopan - sopan macam ko gak kot.”
Heh, rasa happy bila mendengarnya. *smile*
3. It’s coming to my 38 weeks and if this baby really follows my EDD, we will be seeing and welcoming this baby in less than 10 days! *excited*
4. We have already set up the baby cot yesterday and it was fun decorating and made a final touch to it with the Dearie Hubby and my Parents. *enjoyed*
5. I got 2 days of medical leave last week kerana kaki yang bengkak (water retention) and the doctor said : “Baby dah matured, position dah ok and tunggu masa je nk keluar.” We just went like, “Woah, this soon?!” Some of the makcik - makcik said (at least they believe so), “Sesetengah orang, bila kaki dh bengkak, itu tanda tak lama dah baby nk lahir.”
6. I did not have the opportunity to update on my birthday celebration but all in all it was a blast one, surrounded with all people I love the most : my husband, my family, my siblings, my in laws and my Lil niece. My husband even ‘kantoied’ himself with the Big Boss when he went out to buy flowers for me and as usual, I cried when I read birthday card from the beloved Husband. I do not know why, but my Husband always wins my heart through his simple writings. *Love*

7. During this final week (if I could say so) I am quite busy updating the files and cases so that during my confinement, I would not be bothered with the office calls (owh, how I wish it will come true!). And yes, I strongly believe that the Boss has made the best plan for me and chose the right and the most eligible person to take over my place within those 2 months. *Big applause*
*And yes Dear Readers please pray for this mother-to-be and the baby, ok?
Thank you.
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