[posted by nwm]
Ok, a simple post (I hope) pertaining to a few events which occurred last week :-
Event 1: While everyone was settling down for the last month of the year 2009, a few strangers (we believe there must be more than one person) have broken into our office on 01.12.2009. The whole office was a mess when we entered the office early that morning. And after lodging a report, it only took 3 hours for the police to come to the office and initiated 'investigations'. *sigh. To help you imagine the chaotic state of the office, here are few pictures for your viewing pleasure. Alhamdulillah, nothing much was stolen except for my colleague’s coin collection amounting to RM170.00 which he left on his table (but thank God, nobody got hurt as it happened during night time).
* The intruders created their entrance *
So for the rest of the day, we spent cleaning up the office, re-arranging all the files and everything and while waiting for the police, went to a kopitiam for the “Legal Assistants’ review on the office invasion.” Hahah! Tade keje.
Event 2: Id had informed us earlier that she will getting married in December so we made plans to attend her wedding loonnng before she distributed her gorgeous card, forwarded the invitation via Facebook and formally informed us on the wedding date (hence we managed to book flight tickets and paid ONLY for the taxes – its Z.E.R.O. fare, I tell you! Weeee!).
It was such a lovely wedding and to witness your best friend’s akad nikah (04.12.2009) as well as attending the reception (05.12.2009) was very meaningful to me. I've had known Id and befriended her for [almost] 20 years ... In a nutshell - we attended the same Primary School, SRKDJ (tapi tak sama kelas), attended the same Primary School, STF, were dorm-mates in STF, kept in touch through emails, sms and phone-calls during Uni years and when she was studying in UK, had the opportunity to meet up during my visit to UK in 2005. We even continued our friendship even after I got married as my Husband and Id used to work together in B*NM - we would catch up on things when I was preggy (masih teringat mempelam Mak Id bagi, yum yum), met Irfan for the first time (dan sempat bergambar kat Petronas station, buleh?). Her engagement was the same as my 1st Anniversary (so senang aku ingat ye?). And recently, went to our precious 10-years STF Reunion together... the list goes on and I hope it goes on and on ...
To my Dearest Id (and Irfan), Congratulations on your wedding and thank you for your friendship!
P/s: Id, aku tak sangka boleh jumpe Cikgu-cikgu STF (Cik Rosnah, Miss Raha & Cik Safiah) kat wedding ko! Seriously terkejut they were there that nite.
Event 3: We managed to squeeze some time for Lil Darling first swimming ‘lesson’ during this trip to KL. Hahah! Biar pun air adalah sejuk that morning, Lil Darling enjoyed being in the pool with her Abah, Pak Ngah and Abang Eirfan.
*Happy happy joy joy Lil girl *

Event 4: And not forgetting, everytime we (myself and my beloved Ummi) make a trip to KL, S*ogo is a must! Hahah! In conjunction with Y.E.S, we (Hubby included. Haha!) went for a crazy shopping spree that day. And Lil Darling...? Well she enjoyed posing beside the Christmas Trees. Haha, irrelevant.
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