You'll go through a lot in life and you'll find yourself changing, but always remember who you are –TLS
We went for the office Family Day at Merang Suria Beach Resort on 5th June – 6th June, 2010. Suka tau, tengah-tengah stress kerja yang berlambakan tu tiba-tiba Bos bagi a fully sponsored vacation. Walllaaa! Sape tak suka kan? So bila plan last minute plus cuti sekolah jadi kami sempat buat booking di tempat yang dekat-dekat je la. Tapi overall memang seronok! My big Brother yang baru sampai dari JB turut join kami. So it became our family vacation y’all! Teehee.
I am running out of time (its already 10.00am and I have meeting to attend!) so lets the pictures do the talking ya! :D
“I want to be in the pool, Ibu!”
Lil Darling posing
Finally.. in the pool
Happy-happy Lil Darling in the pool :D
Chilling in the water
Splash! *It was an intended shoot* Haha!
Lil Niece (who was just arrived from JB that day) joined Lil Darling in the pool
Ketiduran. Letih berendam dalam pool. Teehee.

BBQ dinner plus lucky draw :D
One for the album!
Family photo :D
Two lil cuzzies
Reading together :D
For more photos click here
Bestnyer diaaaaa...Syoknyer main air.. Tak sabar plak nk berfamily vacation nih (Family sendiri sahaja tp nyer)
Fieza : Memang best! Tak kesah la destinasinya, asal dpt gathered sambil bercuti! Weeeee :D
wijdan pun klu dapat masuk dlm air susah nak bawa kuar.....
Linda : haha, sama! :D
terima kasih atas FOC holiday!
Bro : Weeeeeeee! :D
beb, Happy Belated Birthday. 12th June right? =)
Masz : Yup! Thanks dear! :D
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