I made spaghetti and dari mula start masak Khayra asyik minta nak makan sebab kesukaan dia lah. Habiskan 2 mangkuk dan ceria sepanjang hari. Hihi.
Happy :D (Kena pakai bib sebab comot sangat nak makan sendiri) Hehe.
One happy customer ;D
Dragged Khayra along to our State Bar Annual Dinner. Thank God, she behaved very well throughout the dinner. Playing with Abah’s Blackberry during the speech by Mr. Chairman.
Most lawyers were impressed that Khayra behaved properly during the entire dinner. Alhamdulillah, nasib dia takut / tak biasa dengan orang luar, so it’s a credit to us lah kalau bawak dia ke tempat orang ramai cos dia akan duduk diam. Heh.
Showing off – her new hair band and new flowery slipper :D Just before we went out for McD Breakfast and went for groceries shopping.

We subscribed HAQ on Astro First tapi sangat mendukacitakan lah, the storyline and all. Keciwa. Lantas setelah habis menonton, Hubby and I grilled some chicken and lamb and made an early dinner for us : chicken chop for me, lamb chop for Hubby, fries and homemade coleslaw for us. Makan dan dating di rumah and continued watching ‘The Ugly Truth’. Fun fun fun in our home sweet home over the weekend!
So itulah cerita minggu lalu. Will update more, insyaAllah.
* Our hearts and prayers go out to Japan and its people on Japan's 8.9 earthquake generated tsunami that struck the Oregon coast. Moga dipermudahkan dan semoga kita semua dilindungi-Nya. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
HAQ tuih... hahahaha! Kecewa, terus masuk dapur masak western... hahaha... klakor2!
Haha, tulah. Keciwa. Baik subscribe 'Khurafat'. Hehehe :D
amber balik 2minggu lagi kena wak chicken chop ke amber..
janjiku akan ku tuntut!
Bro : Beres. Welcome! :D
better kao subscribe sini ada hantu..
aku ngan mak aku re-run sepanjang wiken.hahhaha
Yerx : Preview HAQ macam best jadi terpengaruh. Tapi hampeh. Ok, will take that into our consideration. Hihi ;D
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