Yesterday when I was applying my make up and getting ready for work, I did not realize that someone was 'copying' my technique of applying blusher on my cheeks. Hehe.
So, here it goes. After having skills of imitating her teacher at school, now she is able to learn about make up especially compact powder, eye shadows, lipstick and … blusher! Haha!

Take a look at the last picture – enhancing the skill of ‘meninggikan tulang pipi’ before applying the blusher on her cheeks. Kah kah!
And she was playing with my Elizabeth Ardent’s make up set! Baru 20 bulan dah demand ye, anak? Hehe. But after a while I was a bit worried make up tu akan hancur, I handed over my Body Shop blusher untuk Khayra main. Heh.
This morning bila saya tengah bersiap nak gi kerja, Khayra awal-awal dah ada depan cermin nak make up juga! I guess we have to buy a new make up set for her to play with atau beli new make up set untuk Ibu jelah. Hihi. *Hubby, peace!
alahai khayra darling.. kecil2 dah pandai pakai makeup.. itu blum 16 tahun yer? nanti lagi hebat! hehe..
Hehe, thanks Kak Cha! Itula, selalu observe Ibu / Abah buat apa. Kih kih! :D
Hahaha, so GIRL!
Abih doh mu due orang..dang besor kekgi Yi ikena jaga depan pitu pagor la sebab ramai orang nok masuk minnang. Mok Ngoh beli makeup doh la bday ni.
Mak Ngah : Hahahaah! Tapi pemalu bila depan orang. Pastu berahi ngendeng. Hihi :D
suami asyik menjadi 'mangsa'.. si suami pakai seluar dalam berlobang pun tak kisah.. tunggu bonus baru boleh beli seluar dlm baru.. tp si isteri nak tu nak ni tang aksesori dia.. alahai..
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