Selepas 3 hari pulang dari Melbourne I noticed macam ada ulser dekat mulut Khayra. I guess it might be because of the changes of weather. You know what? Turun je dari plane sampai di Malaysia, Khayra was saying it loudly, “Panasnya!” Haha! A day after, ‘ulser’ tu tak kelihatan but ada macam tompokan merah around her cheek like err (small) blister. I became panicked then after picked her up from school, we went to see a Doctor. The lady Doctor said it was a symptom of lack of Vitamin B so she just gave us a cream and multivitamin. 2 days after I realized that the blister did not heal but makin teruk and there was also reddish spot around her back (dekat pinggang). We asked her, “Khayra, sakit tak?” while pointed out at the reddish spots and she said “Tak.” She did not cry and she just an active little girl as usual. My Husband and I decided to see the skin specialist but when we got there, the doctor was on leave. We decided to see her Pediatrician and went to KT Specialist straightaway.
The Pediatrician has diagnosed Khayra with Herpes! Terkejut den sebab as far as I know Herpes is caused by errr, nevermind. Heh. So the Pediatrician gave us an antibiotic, anti-viral medicine & 2 types of creams: Difflam mouth and Fucithalmic. FYI Khayra has no problem on taking medicine (Alhamdulillah) but when we applied the creams she seemed not comfortable and at times menangis. One night when we applied the said cream on her back, she cried and said to me, “Ibu, sakit. Ibu, nak tiup” while pointing at her back dan minta Ibu tiup untuk hilangkan kesan cream. Suddenly I burst into tears, secara teresak-esak dan tersedu-sedan! Seriously tak boleh tahan dengar Khayra cakap macam tu. We both cried together and Hubby hugged us.
At that time we decided to meet another skin specialist and set for an appointment at KL. Kemudian aku terfikir, macam mana Ibu yang sanggup buang anak / dera anak / bunuh anak sendiri. Pelik bin ajaiblah sebab tak ada ke rasa kasih kat anak sendiri? My little daughter cried in pain pun aku nangis gila-gila. Seriously what they were thinking when they did that? Buang? Bunuh? Dera? Haish.
Sebab kami nak cepat jumpa skin specialist di KL (as the blisters became worsen!) we came to the office at night untuk siapkan kerja. Called the Big Boss and applied for an emergency leave on Thursday, so pagi-pagi dah bertolak. The Doctor, Dr. Mohd Noh was very nice to us and by looking at the reddish spots / blisters on Khayra’s body he has diagnosed Khayra with bacterial infection or known as Bullous Impetigo. By the time we met Dr. Mohd Noh, Khayra’s condition was OK and not that severe as there were no new blisters existed – might be she has taken anti-viral before. If you asked about Khayra’s condition, she was just a happy little girl! Macam tak sakit unless bila letak cream dari Pediatrician tu je, dia cakap sakit.
Kitapun tatau dari mana Khayra got the infection, maybe dari daycare or maybe dari Melbourne or maybe dari persekitaran. Wallualam. Tapi Alhamdulillah semua dah OK.

Jadi alang-alang di KL – maka telah inform kawan-kawan untuk meeting / catching up (we have planned earlier sebab memang dah plan nak datang KL on Friday to attend a wedding). Biasa kalau gi KL mesti busy semacam memenuhi undangan-undangan perjumpaan. Cheewah. Macam PM je sibuk dia. Haha. Antara yang sempat meluangkan masa bersama kami:
(1) Id and Irfan! They invited us for having (homemade) lunch at their home – thank you! Sedaplah!
(3) Jumpa Zulhairil yang jauh dari Sarawak – setelah bertahun nak jumpa Khayra, baru sekarang tercapai. Hihi. (Took almost 2 years!). Hubby was trying to gather all his ex-housemates at Bukit Kuda tapi tak tercapai sebab Daud couldn’t make it.

(4) A mini gathering / catching up just like the good old days at UiTM – the difference : now we bring our very own family together :D

(5) Anak-anak bermain bersama. Penyambung silaturrahim, insyaAllah.
Nevertheless it was so hard to say goodbye to everyone. Hmm.
Komen 1: Bods punya Paed... diagnose Khayra dengan Herpes
Komen 2: Dr. Mohd Noh is a very experienced skin specialist & highly recommended (he correctly diagnosed my eczema a few years back)
Komen 3: Thank you Irfan & Id for the wonderful lunch, delicious dessert & great company
Komen 4: Seronok jumpa kawan-kawan lama... although we are nearing the big 3-O, bile jumpa, perangai macam budak2.. heh..
pewit.. nice entri..
Hubby : Haha! Best ;D
Bro : Thanks ;D
pasal herpes tu, sadly aku ada benda alah tu. herpes ni ada 2 jenis, one yg ko dpt thru various sex intercourse, the other one herpes yg mmg ada dlm blood ko. i would once in a while get terrible mouth ulcers tahap penuh 1 mulut. once in a few years i will get painful blisters at the corner of my lips which would last for 2 weeks. org melayu panggil kayap sejuk. org putih panggil herpes. takde ubat, takde antibiotic, takde vaccine. i just have to live with it.
gitu la citernya.
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