DAY 2: 15.09.2015 (Auckland,
flight menu were served around 11pm and 2 hours before the arrival time. Alhamdulillah
we were safely arrived in Auckland at 11.50am local time (Malaysia time: 7.50am).
Both kids were well behaved in the 10 hour flight (they slept for a good 8 hour
straight and woke up for games and foods). The weather was 13’C when we arrived
and we had to fill up the Arrival Card at the airport sebab MAS lupa nak
sediakan! Pffft.
claiming our luggage and went through the customs clearance (some friendly
interview before last luggage screening to Arrival Hall), we quickly
search for free phone booth to call our rental car (NZ free phone untuk call NZ
free phone numbers). The luggage claim and customs clearance took about 1
hour 50 mins. Sebab kami kena isi Arrival card, masa tu sampai another flight
from China so queue nak ke customs clearance pun dah panjang sob sob. They
didn’t provide for any fast lane for family with children or for disability
person macam di Australia. Sigh.
went to Relay shop to buy our
simcard (2 degrees) for NZD30 (NZD5
for the card and NZD25 for reload calls) and later baru jumpa Vodafone. Jadi beli another simcard for
NZD49 with calls and 4GB data. Actually simcard 2 Degrees don’t come with data service unless kena call them to
activate and they will deducted NZD16 for 1GB data activation.

we went to gate 11 to wait for our shuttle (our rental car depot was just 11
minutes away and it provides for free shuttle service). Hubs sempat beli Mc
Fillet for us sebab kena lunch on the go memandangkan kami dah lari dari
scheduled time (flight delayed, long queue for customs clearance, kena isi
Arrival Card etc) sebab nak ke Hobbiton. We rented out our car from Omega Rental Cars and bila sampai kat depot
kena sign kertas kerja sikit, bayar balance of booking (they took 10% deposit
when we did the online booking), check kereta inside and out, installed car
seat and booster seat (they will help you to install those), set the GPS and we
were good to go. Oh, when we booked the car online, kami pilih untuk return kat
airport tapi bila diorang tahu yang kita will spend a night at Ibis Budget Auckland Airport Hotel,
they suggested to just return it at the hotel and deducted NZD36 for ‘After
Hour Return’ at the airport sebab Ibis bagi free parking, so yeay! The rental
car (Mazda Demio Auto – compact car) costs us NZD132 per day rental, inclusive of day rental (NZD61), GPS rental
(NZD12), After Hour Return NZD36 – deducted sebab kami return kat hotel and
Drive Easy Premium Excess Car Cover insurance (NZD23). Shuttle service and both
car seats adalah FOC, so yeay again!
*TIPS ON RENTAL CAR: adalah sangat
penting to survey kereta sewa yang bagi kemudahan shuttle if their depot is
outside the airport area (kebanyakan yang tersedia di airport itself harga
mahal dari depot yang kat luar dan tak ada yang bagi FOC for car seats /
booster seats sepanjang aku buat research), kena cari yang bagi sewa GPS and car seats (if you have kids
with you) murah or affordable or FOC lagi bagus dan sila ambil full insurance
to cover sebab if anything happens (nauzubillah), the excess cover jadi sangat mahal.
Juga kena baca terms and conditions on ‘After Hour Pick Up and/or Drop Off’ if
kita plan nak sewa kereta outside their working hour. Ada yang company charge
mahal, ada company yang charge murah and ada company yang tak provide langsung
on this particular policy. Initially kami pilih nak return pukul 11.30pm sebab
tu ada fee on “After Hour Return” sebab kena bayar parking fee kat airport. A
bond of NZD2,000 by credit card akan
diremitkan masa nak ambil kereta and lasted for 3 months sebab diorang akan
hantar saman kepada kita if any, and will deducted from the bond

with our rented car – Mazda Demio Auto (compact car)
bertolak dari Omega Rental Cars depot to Hobbiton,
Matamata NZ around 2.20pm and sangat sangat sangat berdebar sebab the
journey will take about 1 hour 50 mins and the last tour adalah at 4.30pm.
Kalau terlambat sikit atau salah masuk jalan, memang for sure kami tak sempat
kejar the last tour of the day and the speed limits adalah 100km/h sahaja.
Kalau laju sikit the GPS akan bagi signals on speed limits. Fuhh. The speed
limits in town area adalah about 50km/h atau 80km/h sahaja, memang nak nangis
dah masa tu. Haha. Oh kami lunch on the go je haritu and Alhamdulillah both
kids sangat well behave. Agaknya berdebar tengok parents diorang cuak nak kejar
masa dan nak ikut the traffic flow. We already have an email confirmation on
Hobbiton Tour at 4.30pm dan sepanjang jalan berdoa je moga Allah permudahkan urusan
kami. We reached at the Buckland Road around 4.10pm and nak mencari The Shire’s Rest Café pulak satu hal.
*Nangis* Memang Hobbiton ni tempatnya masuk ke ladang yang jauhhh ke dalam and
krik krik krik juga. Hehe. Akhirnya jumpa The Shire’s Rest Café at 4.20pm and
hubs dropped me off kat depan café and dia pergi cari parking. Aku apa lagi
buat mini marathon lari masuk dengan harapan they still can give us a chance to
redeem our tour tickets based on the email confirmation.
alhamdulillah alhamdullillah they still accept our late check in dan tickets
were then issued to us. The tour will start tepat jam 4.30pm (we were supposed
to check in 15 mins before the tour
departure, tapi Alhamdulillah rezeki kami haritu sebab still dapat check in). I
went out to get my kids and hubs when suddenly I heard nama dipanggil.
Macam mimpi ada orang kenal aku kat Hobbiton. Bahahaha :P
Nik Fara! Apalagi kami berpelukan macam lama terpisah (memang tak pernah jumpa
since we left Law School of UiTM in year 2005). Memang tak sangka jumpa dia kat
situ sebab we plan to meet kat Southern Island kalau berjodoh. Then nampak my
husband and my kids datang rasa nak peluk my husband cos we could make it to Hobbiton
tours. Alhamdulillah *star jump* Haha. Sempatlah berbual sikit dan ambil gambar
dengan Nik sekeluarga. Jodoh betul Allah temukan kami kat NZ walhal kat
Malaysia tak jumpa langsung.
Nik Fara and her family at Hobbiton Movie Set, Matamata, NZ :D
bas Hobbiton Movie Set Tours datang tepat at 4.30pm and kena naik bas untuk ke movie
set of The Shire, Hobbiton. Masa tu baru perasan husband tertinggal kasut
Hafiya, apalagi memang kena dukung for the whole tours (about 2 hours) budak
14kg. Ticket tours adalah NZD75 per adult, NZD10 for child 5-9yo and FOC for infant 0-4yo. TIPS: Masa booking must
state ada infant atau tak cos a ticket will also be issued even for infant.
aku tak faham sangat (kahkah!) sebab tak pernah khatam cerita LOTR and The
Hobbit (balik Malaysia baru buat DVD marathon, hish) tapi tengoklah sikit-sikit
but I could feel that my husband was really enjoying the Tour sebab dia paling
banyak bertanya (kahkah) to our tour guide yang memang very expert bab Hobbiton and LOTR movie. Part of his birthday treat lah kiranya ni and I’m glad
that my husband was really enjoying it! :D The whole movie set was really nice macam
nak nangis pun ada. Subhanallah. Hikmah kami ambil Tour at 4.30pm when we
managed to experience the movie set (with a close up visit to all 39 Hobbit
holes) juga pada masa hari dah gelap. So beautiful dengan tanglung dan lampu warna
warni at 6pm.
to Hobbiton movie set
Gamgee’s hobbit hole *am a big fan!*
Tour also includes a free flow drink (Ginger Beer – non alcoholics) at The
Green Dragon Inn café. Rasa ginger tea yang ada gas. Bahaha. The Tour ended at
6.30pm and kami ke souvenir shop untuk beli souvenirs (the souvenir shop tunggu
group kami sebelum tutup sebab group kami adalah the last tour of the day). Oh,
masa tour tu kami sekumpulan dengan a few groups lain and ada berkenalan dengan
a Chinese family group from Singapore. So bolehlah kita tolong menolong ambil
gambar family masing-masing sebagaimana di atas. Hehehe.
Hafiya inside The
Green Dragon Inn Cafe
The Hobbiton Movie set at 6.15pm during end of Winter

our journey back to Auckland at night (around 7pm) and sampai Auckland kami kena refill
minyak kereta (NZD44) and adalah disyaratkan isi minyak full tank before return kalau tak akan kena extra charge, bought mineral water from the convinient shop and balik
ke hotel to check in at 9.15pm. Kami pilih Ibis
Budget Hotel Auckland Airport ni sebab dekat dengan airport dan tak mahal
sangat to stay for an overnight. Nama je budget tapi besar juga with king sized
bed, toilet and shower and spacious room. Masa survey hotel ni ada juga komen
kata kecik tapi bagi kami OK je, no complaints at all. The receptionists were
very helpful and process nak check in pun laju je. Parking space available for
FOC in front of the hotel, it takes 15 mins walk to the airport, and ada
shuttle bus (Yellow Bus) right in front of the hotel mengikut scheduled time,
what’s not to love kan? We got a pretty cheap deal for this hotel for RM181.00
and we booked through
tu kami dinner maggi, roti and waffles je sebab most kedai dah tutup at 9pm.
Sebab tu berguna bawa maggi kalau travel. LOL. Malam tu juga I cooked fried
rice untuk breakfast esok pagi guna traveller cooker tu. Mudah sangat,
Alhamdulillah. Then kami rest and tidur even aku tak boleh tidur sebab time difference. Tsk.