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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hafiya Reads: Warna

Videos were taken a few days before Hafiya turned 3 years old. I was using the small cute erasers that also be used for her fine motor skills. Still pelat here and there but don't you think she's cute? Hehe :P

Part 1 (Blue, Pink, Green)

Part 2 (Purple, Blue)

Part 3 (Red, Orange, Yellow)

Hafiya also knows Black, White, Brown (not in the video). Currently she can recite Al-Fatihah, An-Naas, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and doa makan serta terjemahannya. Yeah, still with her pelat languages! Hehe. Nevertheless, Alhamdulillah. Moga Allah terus bukakan pintu hati anak-anak kita menerima ilmu Allah. Amin.

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