Yes Anis, we have already did our shopping for the baby. So here are the things that we have already bought.

1. Some stuffs were bought here. 2. Booties, mittens & newborn socks.
3. Baby box. 4. Baby wipes. 5. Baby bottles.

1. Kiddi wash. 2. Diapers. 3. Baby Bath Towel.

1. More on baby booties, mittens & socks. 2. Baby clothes. 3. Mummy's thingy. heh.
Some of the books that I read during this pregnancy.
We also already have sponsors (thank you!) for the below items :-
1. Baby Cot;
2. Baby Car Seat(s);
3. Baby Stroller;
4. Baby Cupboard; and
5. Baby Bedding Set.
And other things like Baby Bath Set, Mosquito Set, Baby Binder and other necessary small thingy (yet important) had been purchased.
I must admit in purchasing for our baby stuffs, I went crazy with all the cutey-mutey things. Semua rasa nak beli. Heh. I did my shopping with my favourite persons in my life; my Dearest Husband and my beloved Umi. And for every single cent that I threw on the baby stuffs, I did not compromise at all. Throughout this pregnancy, Allah memberi rezeki yang baik kepada saya where I could give more cash to my parents on monthly basis and also gave some out of it to my parents-in-law when they were leaving for holidays and save some more for the future. Saya kira ini rezeki baby, so I bought the best things for the baby.
Kawan saya pernah cakap, kalau pakai diapers Mamy Poko, lama-lama Papa pokai. Tapi saya beli juga diapers Mamy Poko sebab saya percaya itu yang terbaik. Memang dari segi harga, Mamy Poko is the pricey one compared to Huggies or others. Saya rasa ini rezeki baby, jadi saya tak berkompromi even it is pakai buang concept. Nanti bila-bila saya rasa tak mampu, saya tukarlah jenama lain. Ada juga orang cakap, brand Tollyjoy mahal untuk baby stuffs, tapi saya beli juga jenama itu sebab saya rasa clothes, mittens & booties Tollyjoy sangat comfy dan lembut. Betul kata kawan-kawan saya kalau ada baby, memang banyak berhabis untuk baby tapi tak mengapa lah, ini kan rezeki Allah.
Please don’t get me wrong, we work everything within the budget (insyaAllah) so we will be okay, insyaAllah. Besides this is the first experience for this mother-to-be and a father-to-be, please blame on the excitement and adrenaline that we share to meet and to welcome our bundle of joy. Is that a [good] reason enough? Ngee.
And yes, we already have 3 different doctors who had confirmed on our baby’s gender and all of them were giving the same opinion relating to it. However I choose not to reveal it here (yet, maybe?) until the baby is safely born (Amin!). Surprise la sikit. Hehe. Now both parents-to-be are busy finding out a name for the baby. Bukan mudah rupanya pilih nama ni, but somehow it is very interesting thing to do together. Heh.
Owh, I think I should stop here cos on my table right now a lot of new portfolios (Alhamdulillah, atas rezeki yang diberi) that I have to attend to. Till then peeps!
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