You know you are facing new experiences in expecting a bundle of joy from your marriage when…
- Your beloved Husband talks to your tummy;
- Your tummy is getting bigger and you spend on new clothes and pants every trimesters;
- You have to go for maternity checkups and can’t wait to ‘see’ your lil one on the screen every month in your 1st and 2nd trimester, twice a month in your 3rd trimester and every week thereafter;
- You love to eat, and eat, and eat, making you put on weight by 20+ kilos;
- Your beloved Abah says: “Abah mop lantai kat bawah sebab air siram pokok, so be careful sebab lantai bawah licin, kalau boleh jangan turun.”;
- When you crave and feel like eating certain food, your beloved Ummi will prepare it especially for you; eventhough you only mentioned it in casual conversations with your mum;
- Your big brother will say: “Lantai licin, jalan baik-baik.” during a rainy day;
- Your staff and colleague do not allow you to carry heavy files and help you to minimize your workload at the office;
- You enjoy slow walks and chit-chatting with your beloved Husband at the recreational park near Bank Negara Malaysia (Terengganu branch) as prenatal exercise during the weekend;
- Your beloved Husband restricts you from doing any house chores and he himself would do it for you and insists that you to take a good rest;
- You actually can ‘touch’ your lil one when he/she is moving and kicking actively inside you;
- Your best friends will ask you, “Baby boy or baby girl?”;
- Your mother-in-law calls you just to ask, “How are you today?”;
- When you had to line up to redeem your S*ogo Voucher, the Sale Promoter comes to you, smile and say, “Pregnant ya? Puan boleh terus ke depan sekali ikut saya.”
- LAST BUT NOT LEAST, you are treated as a PRINCESS 24/7. (Teehee!)
Ok, just wanna share photos that were taken during Majlis Tahlil, Solat Hajat, Doa Selamat & Bacaan Yasin which was held at my parents house on 01.05.2009 and at my parents-in-law's on 09.05.2009. Majlis diadakan sempena mendoakan agar saya dan baby (dan juga untuk kakak ipar saya dan baby) selamat dan baik-baik saja nanti. Amin!

1. My Lil Niece yang adorable.
2. Kami adik-beradik, si kecil Aisyah dan Abah bergambar bersama Tok Arab(s) [duduk yang ke-2 & ke-3 dari kiri] yang datang ketika majlis dan katanya mahu bergambar untuk tatapan keluarga mereka di Mesir nanti.
3. Far dan Asril yang juga turut hadir. Tengokla saya, membesar kan?

1. Aisyah yang bermata bulat. Comelness!
2. Gambar family tersayang.
3. Gambar bersama Suami. Saya ketika ini = 30 minggu.
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