Let’s be random lah today, shall we? ;
1. Although my status at Facebook is as stated, I could not get my mind to concentrate solely on the bundle of works in front of me. Heh. So here I am blogging from my office. *Dan masih kekenyangan lunch dengan Far tadi. heh.
2. Its already coming to my 8-month of pregnancy but it just could not make me stop from being away for a short holiday. I just had my own sweet time by spending 4 days and 3 nights at this lovely place with the Dearie Husband. Seronok lah!
3. Woah, workloads at the office are increasing day by day. Camana saya mahu berpantang dengan aman nanti ya? Yesterday alone the Bank Officer came to my office personally with her Big Boss just only to pass over new instructions to me (mind you the word is plural, huh?) and starting from 9.00 am, I had appointments with Clients, Bankers and Legal Executives which only last until 3.45 pm. Then I resumed works before I went off from the office at 4.45 pm to meet my dear Srikandi friend.
4. Speaking of this person we haven’t meet each other for about 10 years time! However we did contact each other through phone, sms, email and etc. Alhamdulillah, He gave us space and the opportunity to meet and catch things up yesterday. Yes, Ayuni we did enjoy our aiskrim goreng at the same place I brought you last few weeks. Yummies!
5. When Linda told that Zulus, her Husband, has updated on Kip & Adis wedding [Tahniah Kip & Adis!], saya sungguh excited demi melihat gambar-gambar terbaru sahabat-sahabat saya itu yang kini menghitung hari juga untuk bergelar ibu. Ya, kami bersahabat baik, [back then in UiTM] tinggal serumah, tidur sebilik, rakan sekelas, rakan satu firma (hons) dan kini sama-sama expecting for our first baby! Indah sungguh kan percaturan hidup yang Allah tetapkan untuk kami. Alhamdulillah!
6. I just realized that pada setiap hari bekerja, saya akan ‘mendaki’ 40 anak tangga untuk menuju ke bilik saya ini. Jadi, untuk setiap hari bekerja, sekurang-kurangnya 80 anak tangga saya naiki (sewaktu datang ke pejabat di awal pagi dan sewaktu mahu pulang). Itu kira minimum lah. Belum campur turun naik tangga untuk keluar lunch, keluar minum petang, bila mana Boss panggil, bila kena berurusan dengan bahagian akaun di Tingkat 1, bila adanya Client di bilik mesyuarat di Tingkat 1, bila kena naik Tingkat 3 and the list goes on. Hubby Dearie, cukup kah ‘exercise’ saya ni? Hahah!
7. Enough for today. Busy mode is activated now. *Sigh*
Let’s be random lah today, shall we? ;
1. Although my status at Facebook is as stated, I could not get my mind to concentrate solely on the bundle of works in front of me. Heh. So here I am blogging from my office. *Dan masih kekenyangan lunch dengan Far tadi. heh.
2. Its already coming to my 8-month of pregnancy but it just could not make me stop from being away for a short holiday. I just had my own sweet time by spending 4 days and 3 nights at this lovely place with the Dearie Husband. Seronok lah!
3. Woah, workloads at the office are increasing day by day. Camana saya mahu berpantang dengan aman nanti ya? Yesterday alone the Bank Officer came to my office personally with her Big Boss just only to pass over new instructions to me (mind you the word is plural, huh?) and starting from 9.00 am, I had appointments with Clients, Bankers and Legal Executives which only last until 3.45 pm. Then I resumed works before I went off from the office at 4.45 pm to meet my dear Srikandi friend.
4. Speaking of this person we haven’t meet each other for about 10 years time! However we did contact each other through phone, sms, email and etc. Alhamdulillah, He gave us space and the opportunity to meet and catch things up yesterday. Yes, Ayuni we did enjoy our aiskrim goreng at the same place I brought you last few weeks. Yummies!
5. When Linda told that Zulus, her Husband, has updated on Kip & Adis wedding [Tahniah Kip & Adis!], saya sungguh excited demi melihat gambar-gambar terbaru sahabat-sahabat saya itu yang kini menghitung hari juga untuk bergelar ibu. Ya, kami bersahabat baik, [back then in UiTM] tinggal serumah, tidur sebilik, rakan sekelas, rakan satu firma (hons) dan kini sama-sama expecting for our first baby! Indah sungguh kan percaturan hidup yang Allah tetapkan untuk kami. Alhamdulillah!
6. I just realized that pada setiap hari bekerja, saya akan ‘mendaki’ 40 anak tangga untuk menuju ke bilik saya ini. Jadi, untuk setiap hari bekerja, sekurang-kurangnya 80 anak tangga saya naiki (sewaktu datang ke pejabat di awal pagi dan sewaktu mahu pulang). Itu kira minimum lah. Belum campur turun naik tangga untuk keluar lunch, keluar minum petang, bila mana Boss panggil, bila kena berurusan dengan bahagian akaun di Tingkat 1, bila adanya Client di bilik mesyuarat di Tingkat 1, bila kena naik Tingkat 3 and the list goes on. Hubby Dearie, cukup kah ‘exercise’ saya ni? Hahah!
7. Enough for today. Busy mode is activated now. *Sigh*
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