For better or worse, through
thick and thin,
You've been there by my side,
by our side,
Sharing the laughter and the tears,
Through life's uncertain ride,
We don't know what the future
has in store for you, for me
and for us,
But this I know, without a doubt,
the best is yet to be.
"Happy Birthday Dearest Hubby!"
thick and thin,
You've been there by my side,
by our side,
Sharing the laughter and the tears,
Through life's uncertain ride,
We don't know what the future
has in store for you, for me
and for us,
But this I know, without a doubt,
the best is yet to be.
"Happy Birthday Dearest Hubby!"
"Happy Birthday Dearest Abah!"
With lots of love; Wahida & Khayra.
14th September, 2009
(24 Ramadhan 1430H)
With lots of love; Wahida & Khayra.
14th September, 2009
(24 Ramadhan 1430H)
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