Dearest My Lil Darling Khayra,
Today is Ibu’s FIRST day at work after 70 days [confinement] being with you 24/7. It was hard for Ibu to leave you at home but Ibu is very sure that Tok Wan will take a good care of you while Ibu is at the office. Ibu just hope that you will behave at home with Tok Wan.
Nothing much difference at the office after 70 days Ibu left the office. That is because Abah had took over Ibu’s work within that 70 days and did a great progress on the files, making Ibu left with less of work today and onwards. Ibu guess that is why Ibu miss you a lot today as Ibu is not busy at the office right now.
To minimize the feeling, Ibu browse over your current pictures as below :-
1. Khayra with Mak Ngah and Abang Eirfan. Makngah is currently in her confinement period.
2. Khayra's newborn cousin, EIHSAN BIN RAZMAN (DOB: 28.08.2009).
3. Khayra with her cousin, Kak Ira.
These current pictures were taken during Khayra’s first visit to KL on 03.09.2009 – 07.09.2009. Despite of visiting her newborn cousin, we went to see Ayah Long's family as they were in KL for their family business, Tok Abah and Tok Wan at Quality Hotel as Tok Abah had Counsel meeting with Bar Council. Khayra also had the opportunity to visit Tok Chik, Tok Zie, Wawan & Tok Long and Tok Teh.

Introducing Khayra’s big cousins (so far) during her first visit to KL :-
1. Kak Aisyah (Ayah Long's first daughter) - Ibu's side
2. Abang Eirfan (Mak Ngah's first son) - Abah's side
3. Kak Ira (Pak Long's first daughter) - Abah's side
We also took the opportunity to visit El Wijdan. Ibu and Aunty Linda could not stop from chit-chatting during the visit. The good old days, but now eventhough we both have our very own family, the friendship still grows fonder. Now, Khayra could not wait to visit baby Irsa Hana and Aunty Zmah. Yeay! Khayra also arranged a date/berbuka with Aunty Id however due to unexpected circumstances, the 'meeting' had to be postponed. We promise to meet up next time ya!
So back to reality. Ibu is still at the office. Tok Wan called Ibu just now and said that you are already asleep after having Ibu's EBM (express breast milk). Don't worry, Ibu had enough storage milk for you while Ibu is at work (and fasting). Today, Ibu and Abah went to collect your gift from Aunty Midah; the cooler bag. (Thanks a lot Midah!) From now on when Ibu is at work, you will be provided with the EBM in this new bottle (before this, Khayra was using Avent Bottle):-
Ibu just bought the bottle a few days ago at Mothercare as the bottle according to this, contains the following features:-
· Super-sensitive anti-colic valve
· Teat designed to mimic the natural flex and feel of a mum's breast
· Soft natural feel silicone teat
· Slow flow teat
· BPA free for total reassurance
According to Tok Wan, you have no problem with the bottle and finished up the EBM before you were falling asleep again. Ibu feel so happy today as you behave at home with Tok Wan.
Owh my Lil Darling dear, its already 3.00 pm. In next one hour, Ibu will see you! Yeay!
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