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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Random Things - 28th January

+ Ada farewell lunch dengan chambering student kami harini. Alhamdulillah atas rezeki dari Allah.

+ Bila hantar Hafiya setiap pagi pada tahun ini, I noticed ada satu kereta BMW kat tepi pagar sebelum masuk jalan ke Tadika berhadapan Taska Hafiya. Setiap pagi kereta tersebut akan berhenti di bahu jalan. Bila diamati, rupanya ada bapa tengah memujuk anaknya ke Tadika. Setiap pagi dia akan berhenti dan ada negotiation berlaku dalam kereta. Saya agak sahaja sebab gaya bapa macam sedang memujuk anak.

+ Bagi cerita perenggan di atas, maknanya si bapa sungguh penyabar. Pujuk anak setiap pagi selama 3 minggu sesi persekolahan bagi tahun 2015. Pengorbanan ibu bapa macam inilah; dad/mom gotta do what a dad’s/mom’s gotta do.

+ Ada partner pula belanja for tea time untuk the whole firm petang ini. Alhamdulillah sekali lagi. Rezeki dari Allah semua ini.

+ We just found out Khayra akan bawa balik junk foods / candies kalau ada orang bagi masa kat daycare / school (sempena birthdays / sebagai token). Then she will seek for our permission kalau nak makan. Sungguh saya terharu sebab dia tak makan terus there and then. Ada sekali sahaja dia macam terus buka dan makan pop candy, sebab teruja ia dalam packet Frozen. Anak-anak saya masih belum move on dengan Frozen T____T

+ Saya tengah teruja tunggu parcels dari US. Tolonglah cepat. Lagha betul tapi memang teruja sebab baju anak-anak.

+ Dah 28 haribulan, nak menghampiri bulan kedua ditahun 2015 ini. Cepatnya alahai masa.

+ Khayra masuk darjah 1 tahun depan. Saya dah start risau sebenarnya. Yalah, dengan gejala sosial sekarang, fikir pasal bekal dan makanan kantin (saya berazam nak buat bekal, saya harap adalah masa dan rezeki untuk anak-anak saya nanti, selagi saya terdaya), fikir pasal macam-macamlah. Maafkan ibu yang paranoid ini. Tapi sungguh, saya risau.

+ Oh, group Whatsapp #srikandi959 itu sungguh banyak manfaat (selain buat hp hang sebab message terlalu banyak kalau tak baca. Lol). Dianggotai rakan-rakan dari pelbagai profession / background. Banyak kongsi ilmu, tips, pengalaman dan pendapat (dan cerita mengarut yang menyebabkan kita boleh ketawa / senyum sorang-sorang).

+ Kenapa sekarang ramai tak update blog? Tak sempat nak catch up dengan instagram feeds atau FB timeline atau Twitter.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

King Kong and Hafiya

King Kong (2005) was aired on Astro last week. We just got back from work dan buka TV terus tertengok cerita tu. Hafiya tengah main when suddenly dia lari to us siap suruh peluk dan hampir menangis.

Jeng jeng jeng … rupanya dia takut King Kong! Bahahahaha.

So we have found out selain kucing, dia takut King Kong jugak! Hehehe. Nak tergelak pun ada, tengok reaksi Hafiya. Dia pergi peluk abah dia sampai tanak lepas and siap closed her eyes. Lastly kami mengalah dan tutup TV! Hehehe. Hafiya in our eyes adalah a little girl yang berani. Rumah Tok Wan blackout pun dia boleh cakap "Yeay yeay!" tepuk-tepuk tangan sambil masuk semua bilik nak check out. With strangers pun dia boleh tegur menegur hi hi-bye bye-see you.

So the next day when I was cooking in the kitchen, Hafiya came to the kitchen and mula menyepahkan bekas and all sort of things yang dia boleh capai. So I got an idea, I pretended to be like a King Kong! Ahahaha.

Result : Hafiya ran away to the living room sambil nangis! Then pergi dapatkan perlindungan Kakak Khayra and said to Kakak Khayra, “Ibu buat King Kong. Ibu buat.”

*Image Googled*

I was laughing my heart out dan kembali memasak dengan tenang.

Hehe, peace Hafiya! Nanti bila dah dewasa, please read this OK? Teehee. Ibu loves you so much! XOXO.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cooking For The Family

I was on MC last week sebab low blood pressure, menurut doctor. Patutlah pening dan sakit kepala berdenyut – denyut. Then baru found out that I’ve skipped eating my multivits (ada iron kan?) sebab dah habis stok lalu terlupa nak beli. Haihh, my bad.

Bila dah duduk rumah tu walaupun MC, bukan boleh duduk diam. I have suffered this ADCD – Attention Deficit Cleaning Disorder. Lepas mengemas and spring cleaning, done with the laundry, I decided to cook for lunch and dinner for my family and in laws.


1. Bubur nasi dengan lobak merah, kentang dan daging – untuk Hafiya
2. Sup ayam
3. Sayur campur
4. Ayam masak kicap

Alah, simple je semua ni. Lepas tu goreng telur dadar sekali. Makan dengan nasi panas. Meletops. Aah, ada 2 jenis lauk ayam sebab tak sempat nak defrost daging. Yang untuk porridge Hafiya memang dah siap asing dalam tupperware lain dalam portion yang diperlukan sahaja so untuk dia je sempat nak buat lauk daging. Hehe.

Masak memanglah main campak-campak je bahan dalam periuk tapi yang bab menyediakan bahan-bahan, potong memotong dan membersihkan alatan memasak lepas guna tu yang aduhai tepuk kepala sikit. Hahahaha. Masak 5 - 10 minit je, nak berkemas tu pulak yang makan masa 2 hari (exaggerate, LOL!).

Jadi, (eih tetibe dah kesimpulan? Hewhewhew) hargailah wanita dirumah yang memasak untuk anda. Cakap jelah sedap semuanya walau malam karang terpaksa keluar beli burger sebab tak kenyang.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Weekend Well Spent

As a working mom, I always value my quality time with my kids, especially during weekend.

Last weekend, we spent the Friday morning by having breakfast picnic at the park near Masjid Terapung with our friends. We (bought) packed our breakfast and went there at 9.00am. The kids were all excited as they had an outdoor breakfast and they played together; I brought along some of their toys and books and there was a playground near the park. Our friends brought along their portable folding picnic table and chair to the park and we brought along our picnic tablecloth. Perfect morning weekend for us!

Some of the photos taken at our breakfast picnic day :

Outdoor breakfast under the tree; the nature way at its best.

The beautiful Masjid Terapung at the back.

One for the camera! I love this photo so much! Happiness.

On Saturday, I opened up my art and craft big box and had an outdoor art and craft activities with my lil darlings. I let them chose on the art theme and concept based on their creativity, helped them here and there and we managed to finish the activity together. We had fun making some paper arts, ice cream sticks, drawing and sticker art.

Some of the photos taken during our outdoor art and craft activities :

I love this photo : Khayra was not ready for the camera and Hafiya’s proud reaction (laughing) towards her Kakak’s art. Teehee ;P

 Alhamdulillah for another weekend well spent.

Wordless Wednesday : My Girls #OOTD

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Lil Darlings : Bekal

Some of the homemade bekal / breakfast for my lil darlings :)

Khayra is required to bring bekal everyday to school, so I think this is one of my biggest achievements in 2014, as a working mother. Heheheh.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Each Other's Back

Hafiya takut kucing. Sebab dia ada pengalaman kucing besar gi landing tepi dia dan dia terkejut sangat sampai meraung.

Semalam, masa tengah lunch kat kedai Raja Baung (kami order asam pedas dan ayam goreng by the way, so not the baung fan. Hahah), ada kucing datang near to our table. Hafiya dah buat muka cuak dalam baby chair dia. Hehe. Then kucing tu melintas kat bawah baby chair Hafiya, dengan muka cuak dan nak nangis dia cakap kat abah dia :

“Abah amik, abah amik, abah amik cat!” (separa menjerit)

Kakak Khayra tolong calming down her little sister. : “It’s OK, Adik. Cat, please go away.”

Abah dia buat cool je dan kami menahan ketawa. Ahahahaha.


Malam tadi during bedtime – when Kakak Khayra nangis sebab tanak masuk bilik lagi. Kami cakap kena tidur awal sikit since tomorrow (today : 11.01.2015) will be her first day of school lepas cuti tahunan sekolah lama. Both of them were on their respective cots, lampu dipadamkan and while Kakak Khayra were still sobbing:

Hafiya : Kakak sleep. Kakak sleep. Shhh, Kakak sleep. (nada pujuk then peluk Kakak sampai tertidur).

Hafiya koyakkan kotak colour pencils Kakak Khayra. She was so curious what’s inside the box sebab normally kami bagi crayon or colour pencils yang dalam box lutsinar yang twistable tu.

Abah : Siapa buat ni? (marah) Who did this?

Hafiya : (cebik) Sowi abah. (nangis) (Went to Kakak Khayra. Peluk Kakak sambil nangis).

Ibu : Hafiya kena cakap apa to Kakak?

Hafiya : (nangis) Sowi Kakak. Sambil peluk Kakak.

Abah : Nak buat lagi tak?

Hafiya : (nangis) No-no-no. (sambil geleng kepala dan nangis)

Kakak pujuk sampai Hafiya stop nangis dan ambilkan tisu lap air mata Hafiya.


We do hope that you will have each other’s back sampai bila-bila.
We love you both nevertheless.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Alter Ego

Khayra and Hafiya both have their alter ego(s) *note the plural* hehehe. We first found them out when we were in Sydney, when Khayra was 4 years old and Hafiya at that time was only 6 months old. They hardly throwing tantrum (syukur pada-Mu Ya Allah), but kids are just being kids; they do have their cranky moods once in a while so in order to justify their crankiness, we give name to each of their alter ego when it takes place (this is Abah's idea, kids! Ahahaha).

1. The Hungry Jack

The name was given when we were back from Circular Quay and Khayra was a bit cranky. We just noticed that we didn’t have our lunch yet as our last meal was pancakes at Pancakes at The Rocks. So at Circular Quay when she was a bit cranky, we passed through the Hungry Jack restaurant to go back to our hotel as we planned to have lunch at Kasturi Café. After having our lunch, Khayra was back to her normal self. Bahahaha.

Another same situation occurred when we were at the Queen Victoria Building (QVB). You could see the difference when we took a picture before we entered QVB (before having our lunch inside the QVB) where Khayra was all moody and didn’t smile for the camera. But right after having our lunch at Laksa House, before we left QVB, we took another picture and she was all in her happy mood.

Hence, the name : The Hungry Jack. Hehehe.

2. The Sleepy John

This situation occurs when they have passed their nap time or do not sleep at all during day time; depending on their activities. Somehow this refers a lot to Hafiya as she will be cranky if she does not sleep during day time with us on weekend especially, as she has her daily routine of having a nap time at school.

So we will alert if she is cranky and does not having her nap time between 12 noon to 2pm, that’s The Sleeping John in her, not Hafiya herself. Hahahaha.

3. Mr. Gopal

We just found out this alter ego in our daughters. Come into sight when we just got back from long holiday / having long weekend and because of the post holiday withdrawal syndrome. Basically the first day to start back our usual routine of waking up in the morning, shower, solat, breakfast, go to school / work, back from school / work, playtime and activities, shower, dinner, bedtime; repeat.

The name derived from the word “guppa” – in Terengganu means mixed feelings (bercampur baur).

We realized this when we just got back from any vacation / long holiday, the girls will have these kind of mixed feelings to face the first day of our daily usual routine and … it goes to the parents as well. Bahahahah!

Whatever it is, we still love you so much, Khayra and Hafiya! *kisses*

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello 2015!

We just got back from KL last Saturday. Ada banyak event nak ke KL antaranya, husband ada kes kat KL, ada event tahlil dan gathering family MIL, nak jumpa kawan-kawan Srikandi 959, nak makan-makan serta shopping sikit. Tehee.

Original plan: husband pergi KL by car on Monday sebab ada kes on Tuesday and applied leave for 2 days, stayed there until weekend. While kids and I akan ke KL via flight on Wednesday sebab tahlil akan diadakan on Khamis, 1st January 2015 and kami semua akan balik naik kereta on Saturday since Sunday still cuti di KT (cuti ganti hari Maulud on Saturday).

Tapi sebab jalan LPT semua still tutup sebab banjir, we decided to change the original plan and semua akan naik flight ke KL on different days dan pulang ke KT together. Since I will go there with the kids (our first time without husband on board too with us! *nervous*), I prefer to book flight tickets between MAS or AA (one way to KL) sebab senang nak duduk sama-sama bertiga. Husband will bring our luggage and I will be like berlenggang je pimpin anak-anak nanti (with one stroller of course) and husband will fetch us at the airport. Kami beli Malindo untuk trip balik ke KT sebab dekat sikit dengan Subang airport with rumah SIL.

31.12.2014 : So this is us on the plane – the kids were occupied with colouring books, their Princesses figurines set and other plush toys. I also kept some finger foods and candies with me in case I had to keep them calm. Bahahah. Thank God, they were well behaved throughout the journey and Hafiya slept for a good 30 minutes. 

Books, colouring set, Princesses figurines set – a good combo for them to sit still during one hour flight :P #tips

Gotta frame this – our 1st flight together without husband on board with us :P

01.01.2015 : We spent half a day at Hazri’s uncle’s house for tahlil and gathering and makan-makan. I ordered some cream puffs from my best friend, Nadia (I have mentioned about her fluffy and delicious cream puffs in my previous BBW entry; please do check them out and order yours from her instagram - @nadiadessert). At night – we went to Masjid Mujahideen for bacaan Yasin and tahlil for arwah Amir Haziq (Hazri’s BIL’s nephew). We left the kids at home with their cousins for 1 1/2 hour and when I came back, Hafiya asyik peluk cium dan tanak lepaskan ibu! Bahahah.

Steamboat Lunch Buffet at Valcano Shabu Shabu

L – R : Izyan, Ayuni, Zana, Moi & Masz

02.02.2015 : Hubby sent me to KL Sentral and I took the ERL Transit to Putrajaya (RM9.50 one way) and Masz fetched me there for lunch session with other Srikandis 959 at Valcano Shabu Shabu. Met Zana, Ayuni and Izyan and enjoyed our steamboat lunch buffet (RM24.20 per pax) together. Seronoknya jumpa ramai-ramai, banyak cerita nak bersembang sampai rasa 3 jam pun tak cukup haritu. Our batch will host a 20 years weekend get together soon in March.  

03.02.2015 : Our flight back to KT via Malindo Air. Hafiya dah ada seat sendiri yo! Please don’t grow up so fast lil sweetheart!