DAY 5: 17.03.2016
world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark”.
– John Muir
husband and I woke up super early in the morning sebab dah buat booking with NZone Skydiving, Queenstown for
Skydiving and the check in was scheduled at 7am. It took about 15 minutes from Wakatipu House to NZone office at Shotover
Street. This time, kami tak menaruh harapan tinggi sangat sebab sebelum ni
dah kecewa 2 kali sebab cuaca tak mengizinkan untuk kami skydive. Doa dalam
hati semoga ada rezeki kami kali ini. Both of us went out at 6.30am dan cuaca
masih gelap gelita. Syukur juga dah settle dengan urusan minibus dengan jalan
curam malam tadi sebab pagi ini pun masih gelap.
NZone dropzone

reached at NZone office at 6.50am
and dapat parking memang betul-betul tak jauh dari NZone Office and it was P60 (it means free parking for 60 minutes).
Bila masuk NZone Office, kami kena
check in / register and bayar for our altitude (we chose 9,000 feet memula
(NZD299) tapi dapat upgrade to 12,000 feet (original price NZD339) and next
kami diberikan borang untuk diisi and went to the briefing room. Dalam briefing
room, ada presentation on skydiving, previous experience dan belajar key dari
tandem master. Next, kami kena pilih either nak pakej gambar dalam pendrive
sahaja atau full package consist of photo album. Ada 3 packages with different
prizes. So husband suggested taking for the full package (NZD299 per person /
RM868.00) sebab bukan senang kan nak buat skydiving ni. This was a separate
payment dari fee Skydiving itself. Teehee. So after dah buat payment dan ada
briefing on jalan ke dropzone sebab
kami driving sendiri dan tak ikut shuttle sebab plan nak balik seawal yang boleh
bila dah habis skydiving. We were informed that the dropzone was 20 minutes away from NZone office.
susah sangat nak cari dropzone (waze tak boleh detect, so staff NZone Office dah bagi printed out map),
just kena alert kawasan nak masuk simpang je (read: ada batu besar tulis nombor 786 sebelum simpang masuk ke
dropzone. Address: 786, Kingston Road)
then akan jumpa terus. Bila sampai kat sana, kita akan kena check in lagi
sekali dan akan diberitahu group mana. Macam kami, dapat group No. 3 haritu. So
sementara menunggu, kita belek album gambar etc dulu. Next, bila group dah kena
panggil, kita akan kena suit up. Ada staff yang akan tolong. Memandangkan
diorang nampak I bertudung, maka diorang assigned staff perempuan untuk bantu
pakai suit. Bagus sangat. Pagi tu cuaca sejuk menggigil and staff kat situ
inform it was 3°C! Sejuk tahap menggigil, bercakap keluar
asap semualah (you get what I'm trying to say, righttt?). Next, kita akan on air for interview session, lepas tu
berkenalan dengan tandem master and getting ready to get into the plane.

Frankly speaking, masih lagi banyak perasaan excited kalau nak dibandingkan
dengan perasaan nervous. Dan masih lagi berperang dengan cuaca yang menggigil
sejuk, maka tak ada sangat perasaan yang betul-betul boleh difikirkan. So bila
kami dah dijemput untuk naik plane dan took off sampai altitude yang ditetapkan
i.e 12,000 feet and at the moment pintu plane dibuka, barulah rasa ada
“Am I really wanted
to do this?”
bila pintu plane buka baru ada rasa cuak sikit, which was too late for that sebab
aku orang pertama yang akan terjun! Haha. Dari tadi syok je tengok pemandangan Queenstown dari atas (sambil berzikir
Subhanallah indahnya ciptaan Allah), posing bergambar dalam plane, borak dengan
suami dan tandem masters, now pintu plane buka baru rasa nervous. Hehe. Memang
tak boleh buat apa dah sebab tandem master dah tolak kau ke depan, kaki dah
terjulur keluar, kepala kena dongak sikit and then zuppp… your were already out
of the plane dari ketinggian 12,000 feet
at 200km/h!
together to celebrate our 13th year of becoming an item!
(it was
exactly yesterday’s date : 16.03.2016)
ni akan berpusing-pusing to stabilize our position and masa free fall you’ll
meet your private videographer yang akan minta kau posing macam-macam sehingga
tandem master tarik parachute and you’ll be more stable untuk tengok keindahan
alam ciptaan Allah. So tandem master akan guide you to the landing area and
zuppp, you’ll be landing on earth again. Alhamdulillah. Nanti the videographer
akan datang shoot video dan gambar sebelum kita buka suit. Masa terjun tadi, I
could see my husband was coming down from the plane and I could see everything
clearly tapi bila kita berpusing nak stabilize tadi rasalah macam dizzy.

Sebenarnya I ada tulis something kat tangan konon nak
show off sempena anniversary kami couple (hewhew!) dekat videographer masa buat
free fall, tapi sejuk menggigil tak tahan nak buka gloves. Haha. My husband
really enjoyed it sampai plan next time nak pergi buat kat lain pula! For me,
cukuplah sekali (kot). Hahahah. We cannot imagine the tandem masters did it at least
7 times a day! OH EM GEE!
lepas skydiving? – Awesome! (except for the dizzy part). Macam tak percaya pun
ada. Both of my parents and PIL (and my besties) still macam kagum kami berani nak buat
skydiving ni, especially me! Hehehe.
dah siap bergambar lagi, kami ke minibus and I still feel dizzy. Next, kami
sebenarnya kena singgah buat groceries kat Countdown,
Queenstown so bila sampai kat Countdown,
I went to the toilet and bertapa lama sikit untuk bagi dizzy hilang. Siap kena
paksa threw up barulah lega. So next, we did our groceries shopping sepantas
kilat sebab nak balik rumah pula for early lunch.
Signage to Wakatipu House.
My man and our rented Thrifty minibus - this was taken at the upper road to Wakatipu House.
From the balcony of Wakatipu House.
Major love. My lil family unit.
Photo shoot
at Wakatipu House with the whole
entourage. Major, major love.
Photo shoot: freestyle! (except for our parents. Haha!)
Panorama shoot at Wakatipu House.
Bila sampai kat rumah, the kids dah ready and our moms
tengah bersiap-siap untuk early lunch. Kami makan besar tengah hari tu sebab
dah buat groceries so ada juices, ada fruits, ada salad and lauk-lauk lain.
Lepas makan, kami buat photoshoot kat balkoni rumah sebab kami dah booking TSS Earnslaw Steamship and Walter Peak Farm
Tour at 2pm. Dah siap with our photoshoot, kami terus bergerak ke Real Journeys dan cari parking. We
already bought the tickets online and boleh redeem kat Real Journeys Visitor Centre on Steamer Wharf, Queenstown Bay and must check in 20 mins before
departure time.
parking agak susah, kami terpaksa drop dulu semua ahli keluarga at the nearest wharf
and kami berdua je pergi cari parking. Alhamdulillah, jumpa 1 parking area
across the Cookie Time Shop block
and kami kena menapak ke Steamer Wharf,
Queenstown Bay. Memandangkan agak kesuntukan masa, terpaksa juga lari-lari
marathon dengan husband. Haha. Nasib baik kids and ibubapa dah drop dekat
dengan wharf.
Yours truly, my PIL and my hubs.
2pm sharp, cruise bergerak. Kami diterangkan secara ringkas tentang Lady of the Lake (the Twin Screw Steamer steamship
cruise) and boleh bergambar kenangan sebab pemandangan sekitar Lake
Wakatipu was so amazing. Subhanallah.
Wikipedia: The TSS Earnslaw is a 1912 Edwardian
vintage twin screw steamer plying the waters of Lake
Wakatipu in New Zealand. It is one of the oldest tourist attractions
in Central Otago, and the only remaining commercial passenger-carrying
coal-fired steamship in the southern hemisphere
info on the TSS Earnslaw Steamship and
Walter Peak Farm Tour can be read here.
My beloved parents.
after we disembarked from the TSS Earnslaw Steamship Cruise, there will be a
tour at the farmyard, boleh feed the sheep, deer and yak. Next kita boleh
jalan-jalan and getting up close with the Scottish Highland Cattle and stroll
through the lakeside gardens and had our afternoon tea at Colonel’s Homestead.
It served the best scones and cakes, variety of juices and tea.
My father and the breathtaking view of Lake Wakatipu from Walter Peak Farm.
Next, the farmer lead us over to the shearing shed
where we can watch the farm dogs rounding up sheep from the hill paddocks and there
will be a demonstration on the farmer shear a sheep. Dah habis tengok sheep
shearing process, kami diberi peluang untuk beli souvenirs kat kedai
berhampiran before boarding the TSS Earnslaw for our cruise back to the Queenstown.
The cruise took about 1 hour 30 minutes return and the farm tour took about 2
Watching the farm dogs rounding up sheep from the hill paddocks.
Sheep shearing demo.
TSS Earnslaw Steamship Cruise.
kami parking berhampiran dengan DF
Souvenirs, jadi next in line adalah shopping souvenirs. I managed to go to Smiggle and Cookie Time Shop and bought few cookies untuk dibawa balik. Sedap!
Khayra at Smiggle, Queenstown.
Moms, Hafiya and my lil brother with the balance of our souvenirs sebab first batch dah hantar ke minibus. Hehe.
Shopping cookies at Cookie Time Shop, Queenstown.
The Dark Chocolate Caramel is to die for!
kami balik ke rumah tapi on the way tu sempat singgah NZone Office sebab dah boleh collect album skydiving and next kami balik enjoying
dinner together at the comfort of our Wakatipu
House. We did laundry that night and ada dryer sekali (siap sabun basuh
tuan rumah sediakan, thank you Jessi!) and it was very convenient to us.