Dear Readers,
This entry is overdued because of my hectic schedule at the office. *Sigh*
We were here from 16th October, 2009 till 17th October, 2009. Kami ke sana bersama-sama Abang sekeluarga (dari JB) as Abang offered to pick us up in KL. We were off to Cameron Highlands right after performing our Subuh prayer and had our breakfast at Hentian Tapah at 7.30 am. Owh, kami bukan sekadar breakfast di Tapah kerana si kecil – si kecil itu juga need a diaper change, bathing and stretching up. Heh. Saya suka la Changing Room kat Tapah tu.
With my Lil Darling at Strawberry Park, Brinchang - our first destination before we checked in into the Hotel.
Next, our turn; Family Potrait. [At Cameron?] Hahah!
*Khayra was held by Kak Nur at this point of time. Hehe.

I am in love with this girl (obviously!) hehe.
Sebab Abang ada camera [lebih] canggih dari kami, dia jadi photographer la. Hahah!
Banyakla gambar kami bertiga. Yeay! Thanks Abang!
Ini gambar on da way balik ke KL selepas check out dari Hotel.
With my Lil Niece, Aisyah and my Lil Darling, Khayra. Khayra happy & excited! Ngee.

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