25.03.2010 (Thurs)
Badan Khayra suam-suam. Brought her to Intan Medical Centre for check up. Doctor said she had a slight fever. She was given the normal medicines : ubat demam and ubat selsema. Temperature at that time was 37.8C. I left for office a bit late that day but throughout the day Ummi said Khayra was just fine at home.
Khayra did not show any signs of fever at all from the time I took her after the office hours and during the dinner. She was happily and actively playing with her toys. Somehow when I wanted to put her to bed, I noticed that her body was warm.
So I took this picture. Khayra nampak letih and slept rightly after I fed her. FYI since birth this is the first time Khayra demam (i.e. at 8 months old).
26.03.2010 (Friday)
Khayra still a happy happy lil girl. Kami teruskan bagi ubat demam sebab temperature still ada.
27.03.2010 (Saturday)
Khayra’s temperature was 39C jadi kami bawak Khayra ke Klinik R*ohana & S*eripah. Doktor Rohana suspected Khayra was infected by viral fever (as her temperature was fluctuating). An antibiotic was given. She did not want to be bottle-fed at all. Malam tu saya berjaga untuk monitor temperature Khayra and at the same time tuam dahi, kepala dan badan Khayra.
28.03.2010 (Sunday)
Saya jadi working at home mother (WAHM). Even though apply cuti, saya masih membuat kerja-kerja pejabat dari rumah (sigh!) Alhamdulillah, Khayra tak meragam atau merengek. She just being herself; a happy-happy lil girl. You can see it in the below pictures. Happy baca buku Ibu beli di Singapore tempoh hari! Ngee.

29.03.2010 (Monday)
As I was accountable on the files which were relating to that Dato’ and that Tan Sri, I have to be in the office so I left Khayra at home but promised to be home after I have done with those files. I was talking to my Boss that I (really) wanted to take another leave as Khayra masih tak fully recovered. You know when you become a mother, memang hati rasa nak spend time dengan baby je especially when they are sick, so you really don’t care if ambil cuti lama mana pun (at least for me!). My (kind hearted) Boss asked me to go home at 12 noon that day.
Balik rumah Khayra tengah tidur dan demam tak panas dah. I was feeling very relieved with her condition at that time.
Khayra nampak letih, badan dah start panas and I took her temperature which the reading was 39.4C! Time tu Khayra tidur and memang kesian sangat tengok Khayra. Muka Khayra dah jadi ‘pinkish’, so saya tuam badan, dahi dan kepala Khayra. I was telling my husband to bring Khayra to clinic tapi when she woke up at 6.00PM dah tak panas sangat dah and her temperature was 37.2C. You could see the below pictures :
1) Khayra at 5.43PM with her temperature of 39.4C and
2) Khayra at 6.10PM with her temperature of 37.2C
Khayra tidur awal and sebelum saya tidur, I was checking on her and to my surprised, badan Khayra panas sangat! We rushed her to Intan Medical Centre as her temperature was 38.7C! Doktor bagi antibiotik lain sebab Doktor cakap maybe antibiotic sebelum ni tak berkesan untuk Khayra. Antibiotik kali ni kena bagi setiap 12 jam i.e. 2 kali sehari.
30.03.2010 (Tuesday)
Another WAHM for me (and I kinda like it, ok?!). Alhamdulillah, Khayra was getting better. Tengok lah bukan main seronok dia Ibu kat rumah (dan tengok Wonder Pets dengan Ibu sebab Ibu cuti 3 hari) Haha!

Based on my experienced, apabila anak anda demam :-
1. Always check on his / her temperature. Siapa yang tade alat pengukur suhu, sila dapatkannya sekarang! Sangat penting!
2. Cool pack! Ia membuatkan bayi anda selesa, seriously!
3. Always check the time for his / her medications. Jangan abaikan masa makan ubat kerana ia sangat penting!
4. Tuam badan, dahi dan kepala untuk turunkan suhu (bila badan benar-benar panas). It works!
5. Try to persuade him / her to eat. Be creative to make new menu(s) and decorate the food to attract him / her to eat. Selera makan memang menurun kalau baby sakit, tapi cuba lah sedaya upaya pujuk anak anda makan supaya energy level dia tak turun.
Khayra dah sihat sepenuhnya sekarang. Alhamdulillah!
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