Final Scene: Snow White was tricked by the Queen (disguising herself as an old hag) bites a poisoned apple and went into a state of comma. The dwarfs, with the help of cute forest animals, went berserk and chase the Queen up a cliff and was struck by a lightning and fell to her death.

Holding a poison on one hand, and your drink on another may not be the best of ideas...
Post Mortem: Death by unexplained lightning which causes her to fall from a cliff. Seriously, lightning? - The Queen must also had pissed off Zeus at one point of time...
Additional Observation: Although no evidence to prove, Dwarfs and/or cute forest animals may be involved in the Queen's death.

Villain: Shere Khan

No... Not this Khan...

... we're talking about this Khan
Final Scene: In the climactic battle of the movie, Shere Khan decides to fight Baloo, nearly killing him. Mowgli finds a burning branch from a lightning-struck tree and ties it to Khan's tail. Khan tried to put the fire out and flees when he fails.
Post Mortem: Tying a burning branch to a tail of an animal….?! This Mowgli boy is a very disturbed boy – even if he was raised in the jungle…
Additional Observation: Although the movie doesn't actually show what exactly happened to Khan afterwards, we presume that since there’s no way an animal (even with a cool name like Shere Khan), can untie something bound to its tail, he probably burnt to death.
Like this... BURN...!
Villain: Lampwick (the misbehaved and destructive boy Pinocchio meets and befriends on his way to Pleasure Island).
Note: Although Lampwick is not actually a villain, like Monstro the Whale, the Coachman or Stromboli in the movie, what happened to him was too tragic that it was worthy of being included in the list.

What an ass...
Final Scene: Lampwick gets turned into a donkey by the Coachman while shooting pool in Pleasure Island. Although he didn’t actually die or anything, being stuck as an ass (by ass, I mean donkey, you perv!) is a fate worse than death.
Post Mortem: True, he doesn’t die…. yet… but eventually, he’s going to die… as a donkey… sorry kid….
Villain: Maleficent a.k.a. self proclaimed “Mistress of All Evil”
Final Scene: Maleficent transforms into a gigantic fire-breathing dragon and battles the Prince. When the Prince almost got his “donkey” whooped by Maleficent, he threw his sword, sprinkled with magical fairy dusts and it went straight to Maleficent’s heart. Maleficent, with a sword stuck into her heart, fell from a cliff.

The animation was classified as 18SX as it involves elements of dragon nudity
Post Mortem: Death by major heartache which causes her to fall from a cliff.
Additional Observation: Due to the same M.O as the death of the Queen (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), the Dwarfs and/or cute forest animals are suspected to be some sort of serial killers of villains.
Villain: Ursula
Final Scene: Ursula takes Triton’s (Ariel’s father / mer-man) crown and trident and transformed into a giant. Just as Ursula is set to use the trident to destroy Ariel, Prince Eric steered his ship towards Ursula and runs her through the abdomen with the ships’s bowsprit, killing her.
Ursula was tipped to be the winner of the Biggest Loser: Atlantis before she died
Post Mortem: Death by impalement by a ship’s bowsprit – you got to admit, this is so far, the most creative way Disney had come up for a villain’s death, producers of Final Destination may want to include this in their next sequel.
Villain: The Beast… err… I mean, Gaston
"There must some kind of mistake, I didn't come here for the part of the villain, just look at me..."
Final Scene: Gaston attacks the Beast on top of the castle. Beast, of course being the hero (although does not have the looks for the part), won the battle. The Beast, trying to impress Belle, spared Gaston’s life and climbed up to the balcony where Belle was waiting. Gaston follows the Beast, stabs him from behind but loses his footing and falls to his death.
Post Mortem: Death by falling from the top of a castle – although the death does not involve any cliffs, dwarfs and/or cute forest animals are still suspected of causing Gaston’s death.
Seriously Belle? Choosing this thing over Gaston... His name alone should act as a warning...
Villain: Jafar
Jafar is surprisingly thin for an Arab...
Final Scene: Jafar made his final wish to become an “all-powerful genie” but then realized that genies are bound to their lamps/masters before being sucked into his new black lamp, which was later sent to the Cave of Wonders. So, you may think that being an all-powerful genie isn’t that bad but wait, Disney is not done with Jafar yet… he made a comeback in Aladdin 2: The Return of Jafar. In the final scene of the sequel, the now-genie Jafar attempt to destroy Aladdin and the gang by opening up the earth to reveal a volcanic river. After what seems like a royal rumble between genies, man, carpet, monkey and parrot, Iago (the now-reformed Jafar’s sidekick) managed to kick Jafar’s lamp into the lava and melting it. With a scream of anger, fear, and pain, Jafar fades to a skeletal form and violently implodes into a cloud of dust.
Post Mortem: Death by melting lamp… but at least he survived one movie and got his own self-titled sequel… quite an achievement for a villain in the Disney world.

Villain: Scar
Final Scene: In the final battle between Simba and Scar, Simba triumphs over his uncle by flipping him over a cliff. Scar survives the fall but finds himself surrounded by the now-resentful hyenas, who attacked and devoured him.
If he had pimples, instead of a scar on his face, would he be named PIMPLES instead...?
Post Mortem: Death by animal attack, specifically hyenas, whom one of them walk, talk and sounds like Whoopi Goldberg. The dreadful part about it is that Scar didn’t just die, he was eaten alive by his own minions… talk about a “dog-eat-dog” world… or in this case “hyenas-eat-lion” world….
Additional Observation: Since Scar fell down the cliff before being eaten to death, it is suspected dwarfs and/or cute forest animals was somehow involved in his death.
The Hyenas would be making the biggest mistake of their lives if they attacked this Scar....
Villain: Frollo or is it Quasimodo…?

Guys, I'm the hero in this movie... really!

Frollo in disbelief that the hero character is uglier than he is...
Final Scene: Frollo tried to kill Quasimodo by knocking him off the Church balcony but Quasimodo grabs Frollo’s cape and pulls Frollo with him. Long story cut short, Frollo fell from Church after being startled by an glowing orange-eyed gargoyle.
Post Mortem: Death by falling from the top of a Church – Robert "Tom Hanks" Langdon was later called to investigate whether the death was caused by the Illuminati.
Villain: Shan Yu

Shan Yu is also a spokesperson for a contact lens company
Final Scene: After a struggle, Mulan eventually overcomes Shan Yu and with the help of Mushu the Dragon, Shan Yu was rocketed by a firework to his apparent death.
Post Mortem: Death by fireworks – this is exactly why the Government is banning firework; if it can cause death to a Mongolian War Lord, think what it can do to you!
Additional Observation: It is highly unlikely that Shan Yu, who survived a freaking avalanche, could die in the hands of Mushu even if did involve fireworks – that would be like Eddy Murphy winning a cage match against Genghis Khan. Suspected involvement of dwarfs and/or cute forest animals.
Bring it on, Mr. Beverly Hills Cop...!
Villain: Clayton
So, do you feel lucky, ape-man...? Do you...?
Final Scene: Tarzan battles Clayton in vine-covered trees. Clayton, in his haste to kill Tarzan, ignores his warning about the vine wrapped around his neck, slipped and subsequently died hanging.
Post Mortem: Death by hanging – better than surviving and living with the fact that he was beaten by a bunch of monkeys.
Villain: Carnotaurs
Starring the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park...
Final Scene: The death is simple enough… Aladar (our dinosaur hero) forces the Carnotaur onto a cliff edge that collapses, sending it plummeting to its death.
Post Mortem: Death by falling from a cliff - It’s highly impossible for the dwarfs and/or cute forest animals to be involved in the Carnotaur’s death… unless they could travel through time… damn, these dwarfs are technologically advanced…
Villains: Commander Rourke and Helga Katrina Sinclair
Death by a blimp... didn't see that coming...
Final Scene: During the final battle, Milo appears on the blimp and fights with Rourke, Rourke decides that the blimp is too heavy so he decides to throw Helga off. Helga, using the last of her strength manages to fire a flare gun at the blimp before she dies. Rourke was then crushed by the blimp’s propeller.
Post Mortem: Deaths by blimp - it’s a wonder that the blimp didn’t get the recognition of a hero status although being the one who eliminated not only one, but two villains.
Villain: Hopper
Hopper the Grasshopper... how original... Final Scene: Flik and Princess Atta lured Hopper towards a bird’s nest. When Hopper corners Flik and starts strangling him, the bird appears, picks up Hopper and feeds him to her chicks.
Post Mortem: Death by animal attack – Similar to Scar, Hopper died being devoured by an animal, but the downside is… he died at the hands of cute BABY birds… that’s like the worse ending for a villain: “Ooohhh, cute little birdies … NGAAAPPP!”
Villain: Syndrome
Syndrome... a distant cousin of Goku...
Final Scene: In the final battle, Syndrome attempts to retreat to his jet after failing to take Jack Jack as hostage but his cape gets caught in the jet’s intake and sucked him in. He was apparently killed by either the engine's blades or the subsequent explosion.
Post Mortem: Death by jet engine – very disturbing considering that the whole Incredible family, including baby Jack Jack, were there to witness the dismemberment of a human being, even if he was the villain.
But despite the above, in all fairness, Disney also screws up the lives of the heroes, princes, princesses, wooden puppets, cute forest animals and even time-travelling killer dwarfs. The most notable and common fate of these “stars” are the fact that they usually come from unstable family backgrounds – either orphaned or have single mothers or no mothers at all. Characters like Aladdin, Lilo, all Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Quasimodo, Esmerelda , Mowgli, Peter Pan, Tarzan and Aurthur are orphans. Whereas characters like Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas, Pinocchio, Jane, Mulan, Nemo Simba and Bambi lacks at least one parent. Even worse for Bambi, Simba and Quasimodo, who actually witnessed their parents being killed.
Quite depressing for the place where Dreams Come True, huh…?
1 comment :
Suka suka suka! Ok, nanti Khayra akan ada bedtime story versi Abahnya. Yihaa!! :)
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