Pernah tahu kan pasal Airasia Zero Fees? Every year diorang akan buat this slot and the promotions are one to die for! Really! Ya, saya adalah salah seorang yang akan membuatkan traffic on that website busy all day long. *Sigh* It’s all depend on your luck, babes!
Speaking of number (1), yes I did try my luck by trying to book flight & hotel to B*andung. Guess what? I got a package inclusive of return flights plus accommodation for 3 nights plus breakfast plus airport transfers for 2 Adults and 1 infant for just only RM170.00!!!
Saya adalah terkesima kejap depan computer at that point of time sebab macam tak percaya semuanya worth RM170.00 ONLY!
Siap baca semua betul-betul berulang kali and pejam celik pejam celik mata tak percaya lagi. Heh.
I know I should have proceeded with the booking at THAT material of time without counted for a proper discussion with my Hubby (RM170.00 kannnn?) BUT time tu lah Boss panggil & telefon berdering riang memaksa saya berhenti dari terkesima dan … menjawab telefon dan juga bertemu Boss di tingkat bawah.
When I was ready to proceed with the booking, equipped with my credit card, my little family unit’s identification numbers / passports, the tentative dates (I even googled for next year public holidays!), there I found the price for the SAME PACKAGE was RM789.00 and it was only by an hour duration only! *sigh*
Saya telah ‘merajuk’ dengan laman web tersebut dan tidak meneruskan booking dan ya, saya MENYESAL tak booking tika dan saat itu. Pergh.
Setelah memberitahu Suami saya, he said while laughing at me, “Yang, no need to discuss if it is RM170.00. Nothing to loose.” Jadi saya bertambah menyesal. Sobs. (Tapi dah dapat green light kan, boleh buat decision sendiri lain kali kalau ada tiket murah. Hihi!)
Saya bayangkan kalau saya dapat pakej tersebut, sudah pasti saya angkut parents saya, adik beradik saya dan juga in laws saya ke B*andung for FREE! It’s all on me, bebeh! (Ya, teruskan berangan dengan RM170.00 yang terlepas itu! Haha!)

Adalah terkesima sekejap apabila Marliza tweeted pasal B*andung, terus sms dia tanya. Kah kah! So yes, I had tweeted pasal kekesalan saya tak dapat package yang RM170.00 kepada Naem:

And no, it’s not for RM170.00 nor RM789.00 as it is MORE than the listed figures but saya pejam mata dan dengan sisa kekesalan dihati, I proceeded with the bookings as to utilize our passports validity and of course, sementara Lil Darling is still be charged for that fixed rate fees. Kah kah! Juga setelah akur dengan ketentuan-Nya bahawa rezeki tidak berpihak kepada saya, maka saya redha.
On top of that: saya mahu pergi bercuti bersama keluarga saya sambil membeli-belah! It’s a good therapy, kan? Kan B*andung, kan? Teehee.
Sekian, kisah ‘merajuk’ saya!
Oktober, saya tidak sabar! Weeeee!
#Nota kaki: Sesiapa yang ada info pasal B*andung (i.e: places to visit / shopping / foods etc.), do let me know ya! Thanks in advance!
Sedih nyaaaaaa!!!
Saya tumpang sedih jugaaaa... Tp, jangan risau, yang penting dapat pergi juga, kan? heheh
Jgn lupa ambil gambar banyak2!!
Sedih nyaaaaaa!!!
Saya tumpang sedih jugaaaa... Tp, jangan risau, yang penting dapat pergi juga, kan? heheh
Jgn lupa ambil gambar banyak2!!
Fieza : Sedih. Sobs. Tapi cukuplah merajuk 2 bulan. Heheh :D
Pasti amik gambar byk2! Yeay!
Hahahaha... tu la lain kali booking je kalo less than RM200 tu...
Hubby : tulaa LAIN KALI, ok? :D
amber dok tahu kelu hala bab2 ni..
Bro : haha, lama tu merajuk. Sedih seh! Sobs.
it's a HUGE saving kalau dapat. keep on trying next yearsss..
Kak Shida : Itulah. Sobs. Tapi takpelah, tade rezeki. Heh.
Bila pegi tu? n family oso going there in October....
Ana : End of Oct. Ko bila? Hehe :D
ruginya tak dapat.. murah tu.. tapi nak buat camne kan.. as u said, bukan rezeki.. tak pe2.. next time cuba lagi..
Fiezaradzi : Sangat rugi, tapi takpelah dh redha. Maybe next time! Heh.
oooo...i gi mid officemate gi early Oct..MAS pun murah gak..RM 278 return ticket but without accomodation..
Ana : yeay boleh tanya your experience dulu nanti. Heh. Hari tu dh check MAS tapi macam 2x ganda & w/out accomodation.
october would be great! weather should be nice (though bandung is generally cool)and pls pls pls shop till u drop! dun forget to buy hose beautiful kain ela, esp for men to make baju melayu coz their material is wayyyyy better and far cheaper! :)
enjoy the factory outlets. go crazy shopping for khayra!
october would be great! weather should be nice (though bandung is generally cool)and pls pls pls shop till u drop! dun forget to buy hose beautiful kain ela, esp for men to make baju melayu coz their material is wayyyyy better and far cheaper! :)
enjoy the factory outlets. go crazy shopping for khayra!
Fara : I have FOS / Tangkuban Perahu / Kawah Putih / Lunch at Kg. Daun on my mind! Tapi tataulah sempat ke tak utk semua itu. Tapi shopping adalah wajib, kan kan? Hihi! Thanks ya!
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