We had an awesome trip to Melbourne! OK, disebabkan aku tanak cerita basi jadi aku cuba update pasal Trip to Melbourne ni secara ringkas. Sebab ini untuk coretan masa hadapan aku, jadi tak perlu lah details kot. As long as aku ingat apa berlaku pada hari yang sepatutnya dah memadai. Sekarang nak catch up kerja dan nak tulis panjang-panjang sungguh tak sesuai. Haish. So here it goes :

Flight to Melbourne – 10.20pm. Memang sengaja ambil flight malam so that semua boleh tidur to kill the time. Photos were taken during the 8 hours flight to Melbourne. Huwargh. Khayra has been entertained by her grandparents for the 1st hour and she slept soundly for the rest of hours in the flight. Pheww.

Day 1 - Arrived Melbourne at 7.50am (Malaysia : 5.50am). Kami dapat priority to be first in the queue so semua jadi cepat. Beg pun kena buka 1 beg je sebab the officer tanya pasal susu Khayra. Kami pack all foods in a box, labeled yang mana not commercially packed so time checking semua lepas (man, they were so strict!). Also had our morning coffee at the airport while waiting for our friend to pick us.

Abang Din (kawan kami yang arrange semua penginapan, MPV, destination di Melbourne) invited us to drop by at his house for breakfast. Then kami terus ke rumah sewa kami di Dumbarton Street, Victoria. Photos were taken in front of our rented house ($115.00 perday).

Next after solat, Abang Din took us to Bacchus Marsh for fresh crunchy apple picking. About 40 minutes drive. Free entrance. Boleh makan sebanyak mana yang mahu direct from the trees but will be charges $5.00 per kilo if nak pack bawa balik. So crunchy dan manis especially yang kecil-kecil tu. *salivate*

Apple picking at Bacchus Marsh. Scenery. Big pumpkins.

Day 2 – Woke up at 4.00am (waktu Malaysia) for Subuh (waktu Australia 2 jam awal), had breakfast & ready to go to San Remo for Pelican Feeding and Phillip Island for kangaroo feeding and took about 2 hours drive to reach there. A small celebration on Mother’s Day! Photos were taken at San Remo – Pelican Feeding at 12.00 noon.

Dropped by at Phillip Island Tourism Centre and Panny’s Chocolate Factory at Phillip Island.

Mother’s Day (and feeding the animals. Yeehuuu!) Made a quick stop at Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

Phillip Island. Weeehooo! Kangaroo feeding. The sleeping Koala. (Note : $15 per person per entry)

Top (L-R) Koala. Emu. Black Swans.
Below (L-R) Stopped at Nobbies Island. Sejuk beku rasa sebab so windy! Next, Penguin Parade!
* The rest of the days in Melbourne will be in the next entry. Huwargh. Watch out this space for more stories. For more pictures, kindly check my Facebook :D
Pok Yie ada gaya John Travolta! Happy holiday.. huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
melbourne was not THIS interesting when i was there years ago! sounds like a good trip for a little family yes? nak kena plan nih :D
Nape tak culik Koala tu bawak balik Ganu? hehehe gerammm tgk..:p
Bro : Hihi :D
Fara : Yes, yes kena pergi semula! :D
Farul : Tamau la. Tak sudi :D
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