Like what I have already highlighted in my FacebooK status just now, yes Thank God for all these :-
- I received a big amount of claim$ this month! Alhamdulillah. Saya tidak putus2 bersyukur pada-Nya atas rezeki ini and have already performed my solat syukur last night. Saya terasa ingin mengambil cuti panjang and pegi travel dengan yang tersayang. Oh alangkah, bahagianya! Tapi Tuhan bagi sebanyak itu untuk kita terus gigih berusaha kan? And as far as I am concerned, 'rezeki datang bergolek itu datangnya hanya kepada orang-orang yang berusaha'.
- No. (1) hereinabove came with double joy, double bonus as it is the end of the month, so gaji pun sudah masuk. Alhamdulillah! As a result, both of my parents received a big 'angpow' from me this morning, not to discriminate, the Lil Bro has also received his share!
- On my table right now, I am busy to complete my well-assigned cases which comprised big amount of loans and that would definitely contribute to my claim soon. See, I told you, kena lebih berusaha lagi dan lagi sebab tiada apa yg percuma di dunia ini. Saya percaya, rezeki yang halal itu lebih bermakna jika disusuli dengan usaha yang gigih. Heh.
- Owh, today is my Matrix's 1st 'birthday'. Happy Birthday to my dear car, Hyundai Matrix! It's 'birthday' has contributed RM625/= ca$h to the owner for the renewal of road tax & insurance last week. Thanks to the Government for the claimable rebate! Heh.
- I am going to meet the Dearie Husband tonight, accompanied by my Lil Bro. Will be having fun there as we had planned many activities until Sunday (Boss has approved my leave on Sunday, Yeay!). And yes, having plan to meet my besties and 'crazy' friends on Friday, makes it more excited!
- And finally, having 'that' good news now is the most happiest moment for us. 'Ya, Tuhan kami, kami bersyukur atas rezeki-Mu ini.' Alhamdulillah. Until I am ready to announce 'that' good news, please do pray for us, ya! [but of course, some of you might have already known, kannn?]

*See, happy faces with happy buddies! Sila ambil perhatian bahawa ular tersebut adalah ular hidup. Sila tengok ZuluS tak pegang ular dan Linda yang kunun-kunun berani nk pegang side kepala ular. Hahah! This pix was taken by Liza, during our trip to Melaka for our best friend's wedding, Zmah & Bon, October last year.