The clock is now 9.45 a.m. Mood holiday masih dalam jiwa apatah lagi baru saja pulang dari Jakarta. Saya akan upload tentang itu kemudian as I was tagged by Marliza, so here it goes :-
Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.
I am
I am

[excited & very happy. heheh!]
[though I have been there before, I really want to go there again and again ;)]
My favourite thing is

[if kids/babies are not a 'thing' then you may interprete it as shopping! haha!]
My favourite drink is
[owh, semenjak dua menjak ini saya memang suka Sirap Bandung Cincau ini. Yummies!]

My favourite colour is definitely

[restricted on barang only, if baju, I would prefer purple]

[owh, actually, I was born at my grandparents' house, so it is impossible to Google it, right? Itu peta persekitaran Bandar Kuala Terengganu. Ngee.]

My favourite story is

[satu je mintak? banyak lah lagi nk list kan! Itu salah satu darinya. Hihi.]
This is my hobby

[Jika rasa mahu berehat dan bercuti tentunya! *dan ada duit lebih* heh.]
[Rahmat dari-Nya sentiasa, insyaAllah. Amin!]
And I am tagging : Farahlily, Zulhairil, Zulus, and anyone who is interested! :)
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