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Thursday, February 26, 2009

'Angin' & Personaliti


Orang yang kalau kentut, lalu menyalahkan orang lain.

Orang yang menahan kentutnya sampai berjam-jam.

Orang yang tahu masa yang terbaik untuk kentut.

Orang yang ingin kentut, tapi tidak boleh kentut.

Orang yang kalau kentut, orang lain tidak ada yang tahu.

Orang yang tiba-tiba terkentut bila di sergah.

Orang yang melepaskan kentutnya dengan bunyi yang amat lantang.

Orang yang kentut di dalam selimut ketika di ranjang terus dikibaskan baunya.

Orang yang kentut tidak bunyi tapi gusar orang terbau kentutnya.

Orang yang STRATEGIK
Orang yang menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan tertawa terbahak-bahak biar orang lain tidak dapat mendengar bunyi kentutnya.

Orang yang kalau habis kentut menghirup nafas untuk mengganti angin kentutnya yang sudah keluar.

Orang yang boleh mengeluarkan kentut apabila di suruh.

Orang yang sering mencium kentutnya sendiri dan bercerita akan keharuman kentutnya.

Orang yang tidak kisah mencium kentut orang lain.

Orang yang tidak senang BERGAUL
Orang yang suka kentut bila berkumpul dengan teman-teman.

Orang yang gemar kentut di dalam air.

Orang yang kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalam.

Orang yang mengaku kalau habis kentut.

Orang yang boleh menghurai kandungan bau kentut orang lain seperti bau telur atau buah durian.

Orang yang bila ketawa sambil kentut.

Orang yang ROMANTIK
Orang yang kentut bunyinya mendayu dan berirama merdu ketika sedang berdating.

Orang yang TIDAK SIHAT
Orang yang bila batuk, dia akan terkentut.

Orang yang PANAS BARAN
Orang yang mudah marah bila terbau kentut walaupun kentutnya sendiri.

Orang yang PELUPA
Orang yang tertanya-tanya bila terbau kentut padahal dia sendiri yang kentut.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Attention To : Daddy-and-Mummy-To-Be

.My adorable Lil' Niece

Presenting a checklist I got from here. To my dearest friends who are now expecting, happy hunting ya! *Excited mode* La la la.

Large items:
Infant safety seat/baby capsule for car transport
Rain cover for stroller/pram
Moses basket or bassinet for when baby is first born
Crib/ cot
Baby bath
Baby Change-table
Diaper bag/Nappy bag including change mat
Night light

Diapering (Disposable) :
2 packets Newborn size
Wipes – disposable or washable
Baby ointment/barrier cream to prevent rash
Pail for soiled diapers


Diapering (Re-Usable) :
24 cloth or re-usable diapers
Whatever you will use to secure the diaper, e.g. snaps, Velcro, safety pins
Waterproof protectors – depending on the type of re-usable diaper you choose
Baby ointment/barrier cream to prevent rash
Pail for soiled diapers

Clothing: (With your list of newborn needs - included a rough guide here for you - don't buy too many clothes as you will not know how big your baby is, and besides newborn babies grow very fast)
6 Onesies (lightweight, short sleeve, poppers over diaper area)
4 Sleepers/Grow suits (long sleeve, and legs, with poppers opening over diaper area – weight depends on climate)
6 Pairs socks or booties (booties tend to fall off all the time)
5 Baby Sleepers or nightgowns
2 Newborn hats (depending on climate)
2 Washable bibs
Cardigans (depending on season)
6 Singlet/sleeveless vests/undershirts - for hotter climates
Outing clothes (preferably don’t have to be pulled over the head)
3 Receiving blankets (lightweight blankets)
2 Swaddling blankets (cotton or muslin)
2 Blankets (according to season)

Bathing supplies:
2 Soft washcloths
2 Soft towels (with hood if preferred)
"Baby bath" solution or mild soap and shampoo
Baby hair brush and comb
Baby nail scissors or clippers
Baby massage oil
Cotton wool balls
Cotton buds
Bath thermometer (optional)

Optional accessories:
Pacifiers /dummies
Nasal aspirator (ear syringe can also be used)
Sun shades for car window

Breast pads
V-shaped cushion
Sterilizing equipment (Microwave, Electric, Chemical or boiling)

6 bottles
Bottle brush
Sterilizing equipment (Microwave, Electric, Chemical or boiling)
Formula (check with your Health Care Professional which one)
Thermal bottle carrier

This is such an exciting time of your life, and with your newborn baby checklist you will be as ready as any new dad or mum can be!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Sama-sama kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah dan doakan semoga Allahyarham Ahmad Zulkamal bin Shahrir ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan rohnya dicucuri rahmat dari-Nya... Al-Fatihah...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


.Illustration is from here.
Saya terpanggil untuk menulis tentang ini setelah membaca nukilan rakan Srikandi saya ini. Geram, marah, gaduh, suka, sayang, happy and what not adalah perkara biasa dalam kehidupan kita bersama si dia yang tersayang tak kira lah jika anda berada dalam situasi bercinta mahupun sudah berkahwin. Itu adalah lumrah kehidupan sebab memang susah untuk mencari ‘keserasian’ dalam dua jiwa. Masakan tidak, kita dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang berlainan, cara hidup yang berbeza dan punyai pendapat dan/atau prinsip yang berbeza. Itu saya kira, hikmah Tuhan menjadikan kita berbeza-beza, untuk kita selami hati pasangan kita dan fahami dia seadanya.

Saya dan Suami berkenalan selama setahun melalui sms and phone calls, tidak keluar dating. Kalau jumpa di Fakulti pun, buat-buat tak tahu saja. Bila start couple, kami buat satu rule sebagai mengambil inisiatif (kononnya) untuk mengelakkan sebarang rasa hati yang tak senang (read : geram, marah, bergaduh etc.) dapat dielakkan dari berpanjangan. Its just a simple rule :-

"Kalau kita gaduh, marah, geram etc. kalau salah sorang dari kita sms/call, kita kena reply sms/angkat call walau marah, geram macam mana sekali pun.”

Tipulah kalo ada yang sepanjang couple/kahwin tu yang tak gaduh atau rasa marah/geram kan? And trust me, by applying the abovementioned rule, it works out well (at least for us). Tapi saya rasa that rule is also depending on tahap awareness pasangan anda sebab kalau tetibe anda merajuk, rasa geram, rasa marah, tapi kalau dia buat dunno and tak sms/call anda atau tak sedar dia buat silap, rule di atas takkan terpakai.

Tapi kalau saya, saya selamba je sms : “Yang, saya merajuk sekarang.” Heh. Then a conversation would start and rule di atas terpakai dan dengan sendirinya kami akan berdamai. Heh. Betul, kami tak pernah bergaduh lama (dan saya harap ianya berkekalan sampai bila-bila. Amin!) Suami saya juga menerapkan prinsip “jangan simpan dalam hati” dan Alhamdulillah, Suami saya seorang yang sangat aware kalau tiba-tiba saya rasa marah, sedih, geram etc. Paling kurang, dia akan sms : “Yang?...” trying to concern whether we are in good terms or not. Ngee. Dan betul, maybe sometimes kita rasa tanak mengalah (ego) sebab rasa kita betul, tapi being me, when he says : "Yang, saya minta maaf." Gedebuk, terus hilang ego/marah dan bercambah-cambah rasa sayang itu. Heh.

Sudahlah, saya tidak mahu terus mendedahkan satu per satu soal hati ini. Next move on, I am officially 20 weeks of pregnant today. A lot of things do change from week to week. I got my 2-days medical leave on Sunday and Monday, however due to works constraint, I decided to come to the office on Monday as usual (as Hubby was not around, nothing could beat his presence with me during my medical leave on Sunday, it was a great medical leave indeed, where we had the best kuey teow goreng together at the Restaurant situated at 1st floor next to my office and I ‘ran as fast as I could’ to the car after finishing my meal to avoid dari terserempak with my Boss, colleques and/or staff. Ngee.)

Owh, our baby is having his normal development. Read
here for more details. I could ‘feel’ my baby during my 19 weeks, slow kicking here and there. Oh sungguh indah perasaan itu, seriously. The Doctor was trying to determine the gender last week, but no perfect sign was showing up. Hehe. Tahniah kepada kawan saya ini sebab tercapai hasratnya mahu baby boy.

On a special note today, "Happy Birthday Umi!" We love, love, love you! Muahs!

My beloved Umi with my cutey Niece (yang kesejukan mandi pool, heh.) Semoga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezeki & dirahmati-Nya selalu. Amin!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Journey from the West to the East and Back


  1. Friday, 30 January 2009
    Kuala Lumpur (Bank Negara Malaysia) – Kuala Terengganu
    Estimated trip distance: 446.5 kilometers
    Estimated time: 4 hours 55 minutes drive
    Time of departure: 7.00 p.m.
    Time of arrival: 1.00 a.m.

  2. Saturday, 31 January 2009
    Kuala Terengganu – Kota Bharu
    Estimated trip distance: 165.8 kilometers
    Estimated time: 2 hours 21 minutes drive
    Time of departure: 5.30 p.m.
    Time of arrival: 8.00 p.m.

  3. Sunday, 1 February 2009
    Kota Bharu – Kuala Terengganu
    Estimated trip distance: 165.8 kilometers
    Estimated time: 2 hours 21 minutes drive
    Time of departure: 7.30 p.m.
    Time of arrival: 10.00 p.m.

  4. Monday, 2 February 2009
    Kuala Terengganu – Kuala Lumpur International Airport (LCCT)
    Estimated trip distance: 446.5 kilometers
    Estimated time: 4 hours 55 minutes drive
    Time of departure: 11.30 a.m.
    Time of arrival: 4.00 p.m.

  5. Monday, 2 February 2009
    Kuala Lumpur International Airport (LCCT) – Kuching
    Estimated trip distance: 976.9 kilometers
    Estimated time: 1 hour 45 minutes flight
    Time of departure: 8.10 p.m.
    Time of arrival: 10.30 p.m.

  6. Wednesday, 4 February 2009
    Kuching – Kuala Lumpur International Airport (LCCT)
    Estimated trip distance: 976.9 kilometers
    Estimated time: 1 hour 45 minutes flight
    Time of departure: 6.40 p.m.
    Time of arrival: 8.30 p.m.

    Estimated total of distance traveled: 3178.4 kilometers
    Estimated total of time spent driving: 14 hours 32 minutes
    Estimated total of time spent on flight: 3 hours 30 minutes
    Estimated money spent for the whole trip: RM698.50

    Seeing your child for the first time and witnessing a friend begins a new chapter in his life: PRICELESS

The Wedding

The Tea Ceremony

The reception

The 'second' reception

Thursday, February 12, 2009

5-ish Taggie



Five-ish taggies!

I was being tagged by Farahlily (again!) Teehee. So here it goes :-

5 Characteristics of your dream guy/girl

*I have told in my previous entry, point No.9
but let me stress out a few points here :-

1. Tak tinggal solat (mesti, mesti ada sebab solat itu tiang kehidupan, kalau tak cukup, bagaimana mahu jadi pemimpin dalam hidup berkeluarga?)
2. Not smoking (saya tak suka bau asap rokok! Bahaya, mengerti?)
3. Sabar
4. Bertanggungjawab
5. Mempunyai sifat-sifat mahmudah yang lain (sukar untuk miliki kesemuanya, tapi cukuplah dia baik hati dan sebagainya macam Suami saya. Ngee).

5 Characteristics that you have never like in a guy/girl

Semua yang bertentangan dengan sifat-sifat di atas lah!

5 feelings that you have when you're out with the one you admire

Happy would sum up the other feelings as well ;)

5 places that you want to travel with your loved one

All over the world. Heh. As long as with him, I’ll be happy, insyaAllah.

5 special things that you would give to your loved one

Rahsia lah!

5 songs that you will sing to your partner

I would prefer to have small talk, chit chatting rather than sing to him (sebab sedar suara saya bukanlah sedap mana) But if there is a case, we would sing our favourite songs together. Romantik gitu! Hahhah!

5 friends that you want to tag


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

P.036: An Observation from the Eyes of a Voter

Writer’s note: This article was supposed to be posted several weeks ago but I just couldn’t find the time to finish it… Ah well, better late than never…

The Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election has ended… the results are out… and PAS candidate, Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut overcame BN’s Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh with a majority of 2,631 votes.

The by-election witnessed Abdul Wahid, the unbeaten Wakaf Mempelam State representative for the past 19 years (since the year 1990) going against the UMNO Kuala Terengganu Division Head and former Senator Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Farid.

One may wonder: why was this by-election so important? Regardless of who wins, it won’t change the composition of the Parliament as BN would still have the majority hold of the Parliament. Furthermore the Terengganu State Assembly would definitely not be affected, in any way whatsoever. So why was this by-election so important that required both parties to send their full force and caused major traffic jam in the peaceful state capital of Terengganu?

To me, the reason is simple: both parties wanted to prove that they still have the people’s support. For BN, the March 8 election was a big blow to them - losing 2/3 majority in Parliament as well as losing 5 states to the opposition. So they had the dying need to prove that they’ve learnt their lesson and finally ‘turning a new leaf’. This ‘once-undefeated’ coalition had to show the rakyat that it is still relevant, regardless of the animosity existing among its coalition parties. Moreover, the election was also equally important for Deputy Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib and Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said, in proving themselves as capable leaders of the country and state, respectively.

On the other hand, for Pakatan Rakyat, particularly PAS, they had to prove that their win on March 8 was not just a fad – a one hit wonder - but instead a sincere and genuine support of the people in their effort to take over the federal government. So despite the obvious rift between PAS and DAP, we can still see Theresa Kok in Kampung Cina, trying to garner the support of the KT Chinese community.

So what exactly happened? Why did BN lost the by-election? I agree with the DPM that the opposition’s victory is proof that democracy in Malaysia is well and alive but he didn't exactly explain the cause of BN’s downfall in Terengganu now, did he? Well, to me, it was because of two avoidable reasons.

Choice of Candidate

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it

For these past few years, BN, particularly UMNO, has been repeatedly making the same mistakes in selecting wrong candidates for elections and no different from previous elections, that vital mistake was again committed by BN in this particular by-election.

Bearing in mind that PAS had fielded one of its unbeaten ‘people’s champions’, it was expected that BN would also go for a "PR man" to contest on its ticket. To the surprise of many, BN however took a different approach when it announced that Datuk Wan Farid was representing them for the Kuala Terengganu seat.

Personally, I have nothing against Datuk Wan Farid – I am sure that being an experienced Division Head and former Deputy Home Minister, he has what it takes to be a valuable member of the Parliament, and probably, eventually become a minister. But BN should have anticipated that this particular by-election was never about the ability or capability of the candidates – it was more of a popularity contest. Having considered this, perhaps BN should have chosen other candidates who was more 'approachable' and 'down-to-earth'... candidates such as Dato’ Che Mat Jusoh, who had even garnered the respect of PAS leaders as well as its hardcore grassroots. Or BN could have also opted for Mohd. Zuber Embong, who is currently tipped to be the next Pengarah Pendidikan Negeri Terengganu (ironically, the last position held by Allahyarham Dato’ Razali before he retired and joined politics). These two, in my view, would have a higher fighting chance of going against Abdul Wahid than Datuk Wan Farid.

BN should have also considered another aspect when selecting a candidate i.e. the people's perspective. Datuk Wan Farid, without any fault of his own, was born into a life of luxury… common people view him as being an ‘aristocrat’, an “anak Datuk”. And it is this ‘gap’ that prevented him to relate and warming up to the people of Terengganu. Furthermore, having a brother, whose political reputation is questionable, forced Datuk Wan Farid to carry the additional unnecessary baggage.

So in the end, the by-election was not viewed as “BN against PAS” but instead “BN versus Abdul Wahid”.

Simple Efforts
Having successfully winning elections year after year since independence, BN seems to be too comfortable with its success and tends to take things for granted. In this particular by-election, PAS had put enormous effort in trying to attract registered voters to vote for them, especially those who are ‘di perantauan’. Sadly, no such effort was seen from BN.

For instance, a few days before the by-election, I received a call from BERSIH, an opposition-based non-governmental organization, offering free transportation to Kuala Terengganu for me go back for the by-election. I was also surprised to receive a mail, addressed to my Bandar Sri Damansara house, containing mini-posters of PAS agendas and a flier with the biodata of its candidate, Abdul Wahid (until now, it still remains a mystery as to how exactly PAS got my KL address). Anyway, the biodata, apart from providing personal information of Abdul Wahid, also displayed a picture of the candidate’s family – this, in my opinion, was aimed to humanise the candidate and it worked… the aim was, ultimately, achieved.

Interesting to note that these effortless efforts did not just come from the party but also from the candidate itself. Right after the poll was closed, Abdul Wahid made a press statement - thanking the police, the Election Commission officers and to all who were involved in ensuring that the by-election, which was regarded the 'most peaceful by-election in Malaysia', went smoothly. Now taking note that the press statement was release AFTER the poll was closed, it can be reasonably pressumed that it was not a political ploy to win votes but a sincere sign of gratitude - a virtue, which I thought, had vanished in the Malaysian politics.

It is also worth to mention that upon being announced as the winner, 'Abdul Wahid' sent SMSs to most (if not all) of the voters, thanking them for voting PAS and electing him as the Kuala Terengganu member of Parliament. Although the SMSs obviously did not come from the candidate himself, receveing text messages of gratitude such as these, especially after winning, created a sense of appreciation by the candidate, among the voters. Everyone welcomes a word of thanks or a show of gratitude, enough said.

Surprisingly, BN, with its vast resources and infinite budget, did not bother to produce the same effort to pursue voters. In my case, I’ve already made up my mind as to who I was going to vote for but thinking about all the ‘atas pagar’ people… modest attempts like these would definitely be in favour of Abdul Wahid. For those who are 50-50, the extra little effort taken to reach to them can become huge determiner on election day. Alas for BN, it was a costly oversight, which is a product of its own success.

So the battle for Kuala Terengganu is lost but the war is still far from over, especially with the recent party-hopping fiasco. As to whom I voted for in the 2009 Kuala Terengganu Parliamentary by-election… it is suffice to say that my vote on that day was unable to change the final outcome of the election.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"Kuhinakan diriku untuk merengkuh cinta sejati, Cintamu bagai cahaya mentari yang membakar wajahku, meski sekilas kurasa namun akan menjadi bekal hingga akhir zaman..."

We had the opportunity to watch Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical III during the very first day of the show on 6th February, 2009. Thanks to the sponsor (thanks to my Dearest Hubby too!) for giving out free corporate tickets (worth about RM200 each) to us in conjunction with its 50th Anniversary.

I have to admit that the show went very well that night and there were no seats left unoccupied. The element of magic in certain scenes stood out very well and had amazed the audience who always threw their big claps throughout the show.

Even Adlin Aman Ramlie appeared only in a few scenes, he had a standing ovation by the audience at the end of the play who love his act as Sultan Mahmud.

My Husband and I although love this theater, we just could not help but to compare it with this which had won our hearts last year. Having said that the experience to watch the theater is the great one, we must to admit it though.

"Tidak sahlah sesuatu kenangan itu jika tidak dipegunkan, kan?"


Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Day I Know That It Is So Real


More on baby’s update!

  • I went to Klinik Kesihatan this morning (its a Government clinic, thank you). No, I did not go to this Government Hospital as it is so tiring to wait for your turn to see the Doctor as well as searching for a parking. And yes, I did my monthly check ups at Pusat Perubatan Intan Sdn. Bhd., a private clinic for maternity and labour.
  • I went to the Klinik Kesihatan as it is advisable to have your maternity card at Government Hospital / Clinic for record and if there is any complication during delivery (nau’zubillah), a private hospital usually would refer you to the Government Hospital / Clinic.

  • So, I just went there to have my basic check up, urine test, blood test, HIV test and scan process. I am so happy to know that today my baby is so active and happily sucking his thumb! Heheh. Other than that, baby is having his normal development and sehat, alhamdulillah! Owh, we haven't known (yet) on the baby’s sex (despite of ramai yang predict baby adalah boy) As long as baby sehat, cukuplah. Saya teringat kata-kata rakan saya ini yang mengatakan dia mahukan baby boy sebab, "aku nak ajar dia buat side kick pertama masa main bola." Hahah! semoga impiannya tercapai, Amin!
  • And yesterday, together with the beloved Husband, we went to One Utama to survey on some material things that we want to buy soon for our baby and we started calculating on the budgets. (oh, sponsor is much appreciated especially from Pak Long’s side! Read : Abah Aisyah) Heh.
  • And I got myself these maternity wears and pressie from the beloved Husband. Thank you Dearie! I am so happy to spend a few hundreds on these nice and comfy maternity wears! *and can't wait to wear them. Ngee.


Left : 1. From Mom' s Care. 2. From Jusco. 3. Hubby Dearest got me these!

Right : 1. Bought at Jakarta. 2. We shopped here at One Utama.

*On the other note : Peeps, please do pray for me ya (and baby also!)!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

16 Facts (TAG)

I've been tagged by Marliza. Thanks, and here it goes :-
[Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this].

1. 16 Facts? Fakta pertama : Wow, banyak nya! Harap anda semua sabar membaca sehingga penghabisannya. Heh.

2. Saya baru sahaja (secara tidak sengaja) terlihat Personal Assistant saya immitated someone who called our office just now. Ada la tu yang menjengkelkan dia. Haha!

3. Bos saya pergi meeting, jadi saya boleh membuat tag ini. Hihi. Eih, jangan salah faham, kerja saya tetap berjalan lancar dan sementelah hari ini hari Khamis, I have to clear up things supaya tak serabut kepala bila masuk kerja selepas weekend ini.

4. Saya suka kerja saya (yang kadangkala menyesakkan nafas kejar dateline, memeningkan kepala menyiapkan documents, menyakitkan hati bila Client dan/atau Banker yang tak faham bahasa dan meresahkan bila asyik teringat sesuatu perkara pabila mahu tidur atau baru sahaja bangun dari tidur. Eugh). Mencabar tapi saya suka!

5. Saya sungguh selesa berada di pejabat saya ini. Segala-galanya membuatkan saya gembira, dari Bos yang amat sangat baik hati, rakan kerja yang cool, Personal Assistant yang sungguh rajin, waktu kerja yang flexible (untuk saya la sebab saya boleh datang lambat dan balik awal [note : jika mahu dan jika ada emergency atau rasa tak sehat]), bilik saya yang best etc. Banyak la nak senaraikan!

6. Jarak dari rumah saya ke office saya lebih kurang 15-20 minit (read : tanpa traffic jam dan tanpa tol, indah kan?) dan kami disediakan parking khas berbumbung (separuh dari harga parking khas bulanan ditanggung oleh office saya), jadi sekarang tak perlu berebut parking.

7. Saya perlu bekerja dengan ditemani muzik. Keyword di sini adalah “Perlu”. Heheh.

8. Saya telefon Umi saya setiap hari walaupun bertemu mata setiap hari dengannya. Dari office pun saya call. Pendek kata saya amat rapat dengan Umi saya. Bangun pagi (jika tidak berada di rumah Mertua), kami akan berborak, semasa breakfast borak lagi, di waktu kerja pun borak di telefon, pulang dari kerja juga borak, pada masa minum petang, makan malam, tengah tengok TV dan sebelum tidur. Hihih.

9. Suami saya tergolong dalam kriteria lelaki pilihan saya. Syukurlah Allah menemukan saya dengannya dan ada jodoh antara kami.

10. Saya pernah jadi ‘cupid’ untuk sahabat saya, Linda & Zulus. Hehe. Dan untuk Zmah & Bon. Heh. Pendek kata sahabat-sahabat saya berkahwin dengan rakan-rakan lelaki saya juga (yang saya kenal dan rapat dari zaman Matriks lagi).

11. Saya tak suka lah tandas yang kotor, bilik yang bersepah, almari yang tak tersusun. Saya suka berkemas dan senang hati tengok benda-benda tersusun, teratur dan kemas.

12. Saya tak boleh pakai sebarang perhiasan yang tak original for instance jam tangan cop Petaling Street. Nanti kulit saya gatal-gatal dan naik ruam merah. Begitu juga bracelet, earings, necklace, rings yang tidak disadur emas atau white gold yang tak original. Tidak, saya tidak demanding, tapi apa saya boleh buat? Anda hanya akan melihat saya memakai barangan kemas dan jam yang original sahaja (walaupun hati saya kadang-kadang mahu juga pakai perhiasan yang simple2 buatannya dan harga tak mahal sangat). Heh.

13. Saya tidak berani ingkar kata-kata Umi saya sebab Umi ada feeling yang sangat kuat. Pernah suatu ketika, saya mahu ke pertunangan kawan baik saya tapi Umi keberatan mahu benarkan saya pergi. Saya dapati pertunangan kawan baik saya itu postpone kerana banjir. Kalau lah saya keras hati dan pergi jua, pasti saya terperangkap dalam banjir.

14. Suami saya itu sangat pandai memujuk kalau saya merajuk. Ngee. (Saya sayang dia sangat-sangat!)

15. Bagi setiap kelas, persatuan, kelab atau apa-apa seangkatannya yang saya ceburi, saya akan dilantik jadi Bendahari. Nasib kat office ni dah ada kerani akaun, kalo tak, saya jugak yang kena agaknya. Haha!

16. Saya kerap mimpi buruk pasal result exam semasa di UiTM but thank God, it turned out that I did well. Alhamdulillah!
And I am tagging Hubby, Masz, Lion3ss, Nana, Amrul, Che Yam, and sesiapa yang ingin buat lah! Silakan.

My First TAG

Disebabkan Zulus kena tag oleh Wahida, dia men-tag aku pulak sebagai balasan... ish, ish, ish... takpelah, aku jawab je la (konon-konon reluctant tapi excited sebenarnye... warkhahaha!) ...

I am

[Missing my wife in Terengganu

I really want to go to

[Madinah... a very peaceful place indeed]

My favourite place

My favourite things are
[Television... of course]


[My treasured Playstations, gifts from my wife (PSP), my sister(PS2) & my brother (PS1)]

My favourite drink is

[Teh Peng kurang manis]

My favourite food is

[Chicken Chop!]

My favourite colour is definitely

[The World is Blue.....]

I live in

[At the moment... Bandar Sri Damansara, KL]

I was born in

[Bandar Kuala Terengganu]

I attended

[Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Sulaiman]


[Usaha Taqwa Mulia]

[Gambar di atas ditujukan khas untuk Zulus... hahahaha!]

My favourite story is


This is my hobby
[Enough said...]

And I definitely wish for

[Kejayaan di Dunia & Akhirat, InsyaAllah..]

Kalau aku tag Che Det, agak-agak dia akan buat jugak tak? Warkhahahaha!

Monday, February 2, 2009

On Pregnancy

Image is from here
1. I did my 3rd scan during last Saturday (31.01.2009) accompanied by my beloved Husband. Owh, Husband Dearie was so excited! Driving back to Kuala Terengganu alone after his working hours and reached at my house at 1 o’clock in the morning where at first he planned to surprise me tapi tak jadi as he arrived late and risau gate dah kunci. Hehe. And after the check up and scanning on Saturday, he had to drive to Kota Bharu for his trial on Sunday (cuti Hari Wilayah plak tu) and right after the trial he drove back to Kuala Terengganu again. Today, he will drive back to KL (will definitely missing you, Dearie! *sob*) and will catch flight to Kuching to attend Bart’s wedding tomorrow (we have already bought flight tickets for two, however due to my condition we decided that I have to stay and just rest).

2. Nope, not because I suffer anything abnormal with my pregnancy, but we just thought it would be better that if I just have my time to rest at home rather than be in the journey again as we just got back from Jakarta.

3. As the Husband had his first time experience ‘looking’ at our baby ‘live’ at the scanning monitor (sebab sebelum ini I just MMS the scan result to him), I felt happy for him. Doktor cakap baby sihat (Alhamdulillah), kami dah nampak baby’s back bones dan nampak baby gerak-gerak actively. Juga Doktor tunjukkan kami the baby’s hair! Suddenly Hubby said, “oo, Alhamdulillah, baby kita tak botak.” Ngee.

4. Throughout this earlier pregnancy, I did not suffer too much morning sickness and nausea cuma adalah alah kepada certain bau seperti bau sabun basuh. Terus rasa pening, sakit kepala and rasa loya bila bau sabun membasuh be it sabun basuh pinggan or sabun basuh baju. Jadi saya ‘dikecualikan’ daripada membasuh pingan mangkuk di dapur sekarang samada di rumah Umi saya, rumah Mertua saya atau rumah kami di Damansara. Kalau Hubby ada, dia akan take over basuh pinggan. (Thanks Dearie!) Hihi.

5. And yes, saya kuat berjalan / traveling sejak pregnant ini. Saya akan rasa happy sangat bila traveling dan rasa sungguh sihat sekali. Kami plan ke Bandung juga semasa di Jakarta tempoh hari, tapi Hubby tamau saya terlalu penat jadi kami concentrate on Jakarta saja.

6. I read somewhere that during 120 days of pregnancy, Allah akan meniupkan nyawa/roh ke atas kandungan kita and this explains why baby is starting to kicking mother’s tummy after 4 months.

7. My Dearie Husband has already bought maternity wears for me since last month. Ngee. I thought of wearing them this week as banyak baju dah tak muat. No, not that I am getting fatter or bigger tapi tataulah macam amazingly baju (read : kain/pants/jeans) tak muat tapi macam tak nampak pun saya membesar. Hihi. Surprisingly my weight is increasing from month to month tapi saya tak nampak gemuk! Like my mum said, “Umi time ada anak 2 pun still slim macam biasa.” Maybe it runs in the family. Hahah!

8. Lately saya macam tamau makan nasi putih during dinner. Jadi menu gantian saya would range from noodles, nasi goreng atau apa-apa menu lain selain nasi putih. Jadi during lunch hour saya akan makan nasi putih berlauk dengan berselera sekali. Heh.

Owh, banyak pulak list. Better get back to my work. Kalian tolong doa-doakan saya dan baby selamat dan baik-baik saja ya! Amin!

"Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku di sisi Engkau seorang anak yang baik. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pendengar doa."
[Surah Al-Imran : 38]
