Five-ish taggies!
I was being tagged by Farahlily (again!) Teehee. So here it goes :-
5 Characteristics of your dream guy/girl
*I have told in my previous entry, point No.9 but let me stress out a few points here :-
1. Tak tinggal solat (mesti, mesti ada sebab solat itu tiang kehidupan, kalau tak cukup, bagaimana mahu jadi pemimpin dalam hidup berkeluarga?)
2. Not smoking (saya tak suka bau asap rokok! Bahaya, mengerti?)
3. Sabar
4. Bertanggungjawab
5. Mempunyai sifat-sifat mahmudah yang lain (sukar untuk miliki kesemuanya, tapi cukuplah dia baik hati dan sebagainya macam Suami saya. Ngee).
5 Characteristics that you have never like in a guy/girl
Semua yang bertentangan dengan sifat-sifat di atas lah!
5 feelings that you have when you're out with the one you admire
Happy would sum up the other feelings as well ;)
5 places that you want to travel with your loved one
All over the world. Heh. As long as with him, I’ll be happy, insyaAllah.
5 special things that you would give to your loved one
Rahsia lah!
5 songs that you will sing to your partner
I would prefer to have small talk, chit chatting rather than sing to him (sebab sedar suara saya bukanlah sedap mana) But if there is a case, we would sing our favourite songs together. Romantik gitu! Hahhah!
I was being tagged by Farahlily (again!) Teehee. So here it goes :-
5 Characteristics of your dream guy/girl
*I have told in my previous entry, point No.9 but let me stress out a few points here :-
1. Tak tinggal solat (mesti, mesti ada sebab solat itu tiang kehidupan, kalau tak cukup, bagaimana mahu jadi pemimpin dalam hidup berkeluarga?)
2. Not smoking (saya tak suka bau asap rokok! Bahaya, mengerti?)
3. Sabar
4. Bertanggungjawab
5. Mempunyai sifat-sifat mahmudah yang lain (sukar untuk miliki kesemuanya, tapi cukuplah dia baik hati dan sebagainya macam Suami saya. Ngee).
5 Characteristics that you have never like in a guy/girl
Semua yang bertentangan dengan sifat-sifat di atas lah!
5 feelings that you have when you're out with the one you admire
Happy would sum up the other feelings as well ;)
5 places that you want to travel with your loved one
All over the world. Heh. As long as with him, I’ll be happy, insyaAllah.
5 special things that you would give to your loved one
Rahsia lah!
5 songs that you will sing to your partner
I would prefer to have small talk, chit chatting rather than sing to him (sebab sedar suara saya bukanlah sedap mana) But if there is a case, we would sing our favourite songs together. Romantik gitu! Hahhah!
5 friends that you want to tag
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