Mari kita sambung tentang trip to Melbourne untuk Bahagian Kedua. Bahagian Pertama ada di sini. This is also going to be the last part of our (awesome) trip to Melbourne since I don’t want to drag it secara panjang lebar. I don’t think I’m going to put up more photos in my Facebook sebab malas nak upload. Tengok lah macam mana. Kalau tiba-tiba angin rajin datang, boleh la upload. Eih, sudah tersasar dari intro yang pendek. Maka mari lihat perjalanan cerita berdasarkan gambar (hoyeehh!).
Welcome to Day 3. Memandangkan cuaca cerah pada hari ketiga, Abang Din suggest untuk ke Ballarat – about 110km from Victoria, Melbourne (+/- about 2 hours journey). Oh, did I tell you sepanjang berada di Melbourne kami sewa MPV untuk ke sana ke mari dan Abang Din yang jadi driver.

Ballarat is such a nice place, sarat dengan cerita sejarah dan kebanyakan bangunan yang ada masih mengekalkan ciri-ciri sejarah yang asal.
Pictures (Top) L-R : (1) Ketibaan di Ballarat. Freezing and so windy that day! (2) In front of Ballarat Tourism Centre – getting our souvenirs and information.
(Below) L-R : Ballarat Heritage Walking Trails. Cantik dan menarik!

Pictures : (Top) L-R : Still at Ballarat. (1) Inside the Art Gallery of Ballarat – “The Time Capsule : was placed beneath this stone on 10.03.1988 and to be opened on 10.03.2088”. (2) Hubby with huge frame of Eureka Rebellion.
(Below) L-R : (1) In front of the Art Gallery of Ballarat. (2) In front of Ballarat Law Courts. Lawyers and Courts – so much in common. Huhu. (3) In front of The School of Mines and Industries Ballarat (established since 1870) – currently known as University of Ballarat.

Pictures : (Top) L-R : (1) At the area nearby The School of Mines and Industries Ballarat. (2) One of the legal firm at Ballarat – Saines Lucas Solicitors (established since 1939). Wow!
(Below) L-R : (1) and (2) Breathtaking view at the lake in Ballarat. (3) At Sovereign Hill – Ballarat’s major gold diggings. We bought our gold-based souvenirs here. Suka :D

Day 4 – We went to Victoria Market. Adrenaline rush for shopping especially souvenirs! Love, love, love! Teehee :D Pictures (Top) L-R : (1) In front of Victoria Market. (2) Hubby with one of the peniaga barangan kulit. (3) Khayra was playing with her newly bought Russion Dolls. Dari kecil Khayra suka main Russion Dolls ni, bila kami jumpa kat Victoria Market tu, kami borong. Haha!
(Below) L-R : Berkelah di park – city of Melbourne. Selepas itu menunaikan solat di Thomastown Mosque.
Selepas solat kami singgah untuk tapau kebab yang sungguh lazat dari kedai halal Super Chicken. Juga singgah di Coles untuk membeli-belah barangan keperluan.

Day 5 – Pictures (Top) L-R : (1) Singgah di La Trobe University (University Kak Sham iaitu Abang Din’s wife) (2) Kemudian telah ke Bundoora Homestead Art Centre.
(Below) L-R : At Bundoora Homestead Art Centre. Then proceeded to Savers. Merasai pengalaman melihat hujan batu. (Jakun). Hehe.
For the rest of Day 6 – 8 : we spent our time visiting the city centre, did some shopping and had dinner at Abang Din’s house with fellow Malaysian students. I will sum up our trip by the below pictures :

Shopping spree : (Top) L-R : (1) Books! Very cheap. I bought several books for our little one & Hubby also borong books for him. (2) Lil Darling at the Clarks Store.
(Below) L-R : (1) Corelle / Corningware / Pyrex DFO. Yums! Bought Bamboo Square Dinner sets (note the plural, huh? Hehe). Hubby’s treat. Yippee yeay yeay! (2) Cotton On Kids. Juga enak! Muwallah!

Next shopping spree : (Top) L-R : (1) Lil Darling at Pumpkin Patch Outlet. (2) Nine West. Sedap ah! Handbags & shoes – “My. God. Huge. Damage. Has. Been. Done!” Hubby said. Haha!
(Below) : L-R (1) Strandbags . Variety choices. Yummy. (2) Coles. (3) Royal Doulton. Muwallah.

Visiting the city centre. Nice. Walau dalam hujan renyai, bergambar tetap maintain pose. Haha!
We had a very great time in Melbourne. Initially Abang Din wanted to take us to the Great Ocean Road tapi disebabkan waktu siang pendek (Maghrib at 5.30pm dan dah gelap) serta cuaca sejuk dan jadual lawatan yang packed, hasrat tersebut dibatalkan. Next time, perhaps? Hehe. Terima kasih banyak to Abang Din sekeluarga. Terima kasih kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa yang turut serta dalam trip ini dan melengkapkan kegirangan berganda kami. InsyaAllah ada rezeki lebih, kami bawa melancong bersama-sama lagi. Teehee. (Amin!) :D
1 comment :
huh.. tak sanggup membacanya sampai abis posting ni sbb x dibawa ke aussie sekali..
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