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Monday, February 23, 2015

"Haip, apa ni"

When Hafiya is not listening to us, we sometimes use this phrase to show that we are mad or not agree on what she has done:
“Haip, apa ni Hafiya ni.”

So one day, we overheard she said this:
“Haip, apa ni doll ni” to her doll. Bahahaha.

Another situation:
She was busy arranging small chairs in a room at her Wan’s house and Eizzat, her cousin came in and sit on one of the chairs. She suddenly said to Eizzat:

“Eizzat, no-no-no. Haip, apa ni, Eizzat ni.”

Eizzat buat muka tak bersalah :P

My husband, my SIL and I were laughing out loud from the kitchen upon hearing this. Bahahaha.

The night after the incident with Eizzat, I was accompanying Hafiya to take a few toys from her arwah Nyang’s room when unexpectedly she made me to stay there with her for a while. She was busy playing with her cooking toys; "Bate, bate chocolate" 
(read here : Hafiya and her Spanish words) when after a few minutes I said to her, “Come, we go and play outside with Kakak” while I was trying to keep the toys in a basket.

Instantly, she tried to collect the toys and used her hands preventing me from keeping the toys and while looking straight into my eyes, she said this to me:

“No-no-no, ibu. Haip, apa ni ibu, ni”


Kids are watching us live. Teeheee.

Hafiya, with her BFF that she called it as “Doll”

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